Step Into My (Virtual Reality) Shoes
I’ve often thought it might help to curtail police brutality and murder if white and black, or white and some other minority, officers were routinely paired up as partners.
Partners spend lots of time together each day. They eat together, travel together, and they act in concert, often in dangerous situations where their safety – and the safety of innocent civilians around them – depends on how well they have each other’s back. Essentially, I thought, if a white officer got to know, intimately, a black or a Hispanic one, it would help to humanize the suspected perps they encounter on the street. Then, when push came to shove, they might hesitate to pull the trigger or to use excessive force.
The point of my theory is, let’s help the white police officers understand how much they have in common with their minority peers, and how much their perceptions and bias impact their behavior. Thanks to technology, there may be a way to achieve the same goal without needing the actual ride along.
Virtual reality startup SPACES Inc. has created an implicit bias virtual reality program that enables participants to embody or to mirror a minority. I spoke to John Singh, a representative for SPACES, and he said basically, participants put on a head set. They see a mirror in front of them, have simple tasks they can perform, but they see themselves as a person of a different color or gender. He said research indicates even relatively short exposure to this kind of mirroring or embodiment can have a measurable impact on efforts to reduce implicit bias.
And before you say, that’s great, but I’m not biased. I – blah blah blah and blah. No. Everyone has bias about something, and implicit bias is particularly virulent because people hold stereotypes and perceptions they are often completely unaware of. They’re ingrained.
When we spoke Singh only mentioned being able to do certain tasks while in the VR program, but if it’s not already part of the package, I’m sure as technology advances the tasks one can engage in will become more complex. Eventually, a black male executive might be able to spend the day or even longer as a white, blonde assistant, dealing with all the things she encounters – the rudeness, the sexism, the insults to her intelligence, the disregard for her time and efforts when it comes time for rewards and recognition – things that shouldn’t be present in a conscious, inclusive workplace.
Or, a white man might be able to spend a few hours as a black man, so he’ll understand just how much privilege insulates him from a lot of unnecessary crap he never realized was so challenging, time consuming and emotionally and physically draining to deal with. It might even do someone like me some good to walk around as a white man... Nah. I might have too much fun.
Initially developed to facilitate academic research on implicit bias, the SPACES program is now available for scientific researchers, corporate trainers and law-enforcement organizations. Singh told me the tool is best used as part of a larger training program to develop greater sensitivity.
But I think sensitivity is just the tip of the iceberg here. Think what a difference this virtual reality body mirroring could make in the workplace. To quote Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, “I must say, the mind reels.” If participants were open and willing to act on lessons learned and new information gathered after they step back into their own “skin,” behavioral, even policy changes are right around the corner. Well, one hopes.
But VR can definitely shine a light on how implicit bias affects our world view, our communication styles and the way we work and interact with others. Singh said, “This is a way for someone to truly experience, to suddenly realize that you are different than you imagined.”
Sometimes we need to be shocked or surprised. We need to have those light bulb moments so that knowledge can stick, and we adapt our behavior accordingly. If we have to virtually step into someone else’s shoes to get there, so be it.
Energy Blockchain <> EV Technologies <> Renewable Energy <> Agrivoltaics <> Sales Engineering <> Technical Marketing
8 年This just might be a solution in search of a problem. 1,000 years ago, sure, there was much less cultural mingling, so racism was likely rampant -- if you were a Moor "policeman" working in Paris, France, and interacted with a Viking thug / criminal, yes sparks would fly, simply based upon prejudices, cultural wariness and perceived differences. But today, with the interbreeding of races, creeds and cultures around the world, it is becoming more and more absurd to call someone "white", "black", "brown", etc. Are Halle Berry and James Earl Jones "black" ? ... to me they appear mixed race, and likely as much "white" as "black" in their ancestry. Should we start calling them "GRAY" ? Is Andy Garcia "white" or "brown"... and does he self-identify as "Latino" or "Southern European" ? If a police officer pulled over Halle, James or Andy (assuming they were NOT stars), are they really MORE likely to be shot by the police ? If you want to evolve our global thinking, do what I do: DROP ALL THE DIVISIVE LABELS that separate us into sub-classes and groups, and simply judge everyone you interact with based upon what they SAY, what they DO, and the content of their CHARACTER. Period.
Diversified Office Professional/Paralegal
8 年If everyone is biased, as your article states, then in your article you are being totally prejudiced and racist and biased by consistently using the word "WHITE" and creating a stigma with the use of the word "WHITE" . I quit reading your article. Quoting Breakfast at Tiffany's? Lack of authentic data, proper resources,'s a smear story. It is totally racist and prejudiced against white police officers, as if anyone with "WHITE" skin has the "better" life. I worked with the homeless population and they were all considered "WHITE". I am Danish American and prefer that to be my "race"....along with my mix of other "black and brown" races.
Registration clerk
8 年I would like to say this is a good read, good article, and a good start. Unforntuately from what I am reading in the comment section not everyone is understanding why this would be a good start. In everyone's daily lives we have our little routines that are our norms. Well, those are our norms and to some one else they might seem out of place. For example, someone living in a tightly knit (closely related) rural farming community compared to someone living in central city, or a foreign county or sharing space with an unknown person. Everyone is so involved in their daily routines that a person or thing that is out of their sorts and way of life doesn't fit and they don't have the skills to make that happen, or they seem to be nervous and jittery, and apprehensive. Confusion of the sences is what happens when a person faces the unkown or unfamiliar. This is when all the crazy stuff happens. Especially without the proper mind set, training or introduction into unfamiliar situations, people and or places. What this vitual reality device introduces is a different view of the world. It is like walking in the shoes of the complete opposite of yourself. And I ask what is wrong with that. Some of us shouldn't be so closed minded and open the door let the light in. Good job Kellye Whitney as always.
Governance Specialist, EPMO, New York Power Authority (NYPA)
8 年Considering the VR approach, it's a start, and it couldn't hurt. Worse would be to pretend there are no biases, no privileges, and to continue to assign blame to people who have already suffered at the hands of it. To be on the receiving end of negative assumptions, based on no direct experience with the one who projects it is not an easy or uplifting ordeal. At least in VR, and not as a part of daily work/life/job existence, a small bit of role reversal is possible. Dismissing another's experience as "fiction" or "imagined" does not encourage compassion, understanding, acceptance, solutions, or trust. Every demographic has something to gain by seeking and exploring solutions. If not this as one viable experiment, keep searching... If the change people say they want is not just a form of appeasing rhetoric.