Step by Step, Celebrate Putting it Together
There’s a wonderful short play titled “One Monkey, More or Less” by Rod McFadden in which one of the infinite monkeys trying to randomly type out Shakespeare wants to give up. There’s a touching scene in the play where one of the monkeys sites his inability to complete a play, yet another monkey tries to encourage him by pointing out that the first monkey has randomly typed a Sonnet. “But it’s not a play,” counters the first monkey, “it doesn’t count.”
This made me sad. So many times you see people give up on their goals when progress is being made, but the final outcome isn’t being achieved. You must learn to celebrate the victories along the way. I was talking to a speaker the other day who was telling me they’d had $50,000 worth of scheduled business cancel on them back in April. They did admit that $30,000 of it had re-booked, but it wasn’t the full $50,000 so they didn’t feel as if they were reaching their goals.
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