Step-by-Step Process for Surrendering Director Identification Number (DIN)
Naresh Kansal
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The Director Identification Number (DIN) was established with the primary objective of enhancing corporate governance and closely monitoring the activities of company directors. This unique 8-digit alphanumeric number is assigned by India’s Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to individuals aspiring to become directors of companies. Since its inception in 2007, the DIN has played a crucial role in identifying directors associated with Indian companies and preventing undisclosed multiple directorships.
A. LEGAL PROVISION for Surrender of DIN:
The Central Government or Regional Director (Northern Region), Delhi or any officer authorized by the Regional Director may, upon being satisfied on verification of particulars or documentary proof attached with the application received along with fee as specified in?Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014]?from any person, cancel or deactivate the DIN.
As per provisions of Section 153 Companies Act read with Rule 11 a person can surrender his/ her DIN on below mentioned grounds.
a) the DIN is found to be duplicated in respect of the same person provided the data related to both the DIN shall be merged with the validly retained number;
b) the DIN was obtained in a wrongful manner or by fraudulent means;
c) of the death of the concerned individual;
d) the concerned individual has been declared as a person of unsound mind by a competent Court;
e) if the concerned individual has been adjudicated an insolvent:
f) on an application made in Form?DIR-5by the DIN holder to surrender his or her DIN along with declaration?that he has never been appointed as director in any company and the said DIN has never been used for filing of any document with any authority,?the Central Government may deactivate such DIN.
C. How to check how many DIN holds by a person:
A person should preferably cross check from the MCA website that whether he is occupying more than one DIN as per process given below:
i. Go to MCA website Link:
ii. Log in by your user ID on MCA V2 portal.
iii. Click on “Companies/LLPs in which a person is/was a director/Designated Partner”
iv. Click on Search Button in from of DIN/DPIN
v. Mention the Name, Father Name and Date of Birth and search.
vi. MCA will appear the No. DIN allotted to you.
If you find more than one DIN in your name, you should immediately take steps to surrender the duplicate DIN.
D. Question to be Discuss:
E. Discussion on the Questions:
DIN can be surrendered on the above 6 grounds mentioned under Rule 11.
1) In case of situations c, d and e:?In case of surrender of DIN due to situation c, d and e of Rule 11 the application can be filed by any other person on behalf of the DIN holder.
2) In case of situations a, b and f:?In case of surrender of DIN due to situation a, b and f of Rule 11 the application can be file by the applicant itself.
F.?Process of Surrender of DIN:
DIN can be surrendered on the above 6 grounds mentioned under Rule 11. However, there is little difference in the process of surrender of DIN in situation 1 and 2 mentioned above.
Situation 1:
i. An application on behalf of the holder of DIN shall be made by applicant for surrender with Regional Director.
ii. The application shall be made in web form DIR-5 on MCA V3 portal.
iii. Applicants have to create an ID on MCA V3 Portal or can file such form with the ID of any professional.
iv. DSC of applicant also required to file the form.
v. The form shall be certified by the practicing professional also.
Attachments of DIR-5
Information Of Applicant Required Being Mentioned In DIR-5:
i. Name
ii. Relation with DIN Holder
iii. DIN of applicant, if any
iv. PAN
v. Phone No & Email ID
vi. DSC
Situation 2:
i. The DIN holder shall file an application for surrender of DIN with Regional Director.
ii. The DIN holder shall be made in web form DIR-5 on MCA V3 portal.
iii. The DIN holder has to create an ID on MCA V3 Portal or can file such form with the ID of any professional.
iv. DSC of the DIN holder is also required to file the form.
v. The form shall be certified by the practicing professional also.
Attachments of DIR-5
?As discussed, there are different situations for surrendering DIN. The most important thing a professional or DIN holder should keep in mind is that if you are surrendering the DIN due to a duplicate DIN, Then you have to apply for adjudication of penalty with ROC after filing an application for surrender of DIN.
There is a order passed by ROC Chennai in case of Shri Thiyagarajan Parthasarathy u/s 454 for noncompliance of Section 155 and imposed penalty on the DIN Holder. Read here:?Dual DIN: MCA Imposes Rs. 503,500 Penalty on Violator
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