Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Kubernetes Using Microk8s on AlmaLinux 9

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Kubernetes Using Microk8s on AlmaLinux 9

In this guide, we’ll show you how to install Kubernetes on AlmaLinux 9 using Microk8s. Microk8s is an easy and lightweight way to run Kubernetes on your local system. Let’s go through the steps in a simple and clear manner.

What You’ll Need:

  • AlmaLinux 9 installed.
  • Root (admin) access to your system.
  • Internet connection to download the necessary packages.

Detailed Instructions to Install Kubernetes Using Microk8s on AlmaLinux 9

Step 1: Install EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux)

First, you need to install the EPEL repository, which provides extra software packages. Open your terminal and run:

[root@bastion ~]# dnf install epel-release        

This command will install the EPEL repository.

Step 2: Update Your System

Before installing anything new, it's good practice to update your system. Run the following command to update all the software:

[root@bastion ~]# dnf upgrade        

This will make sure everything is up-to-date.

Step 3: Install Snap Package Manager

Next, we need to install Snap, which is a package manager used to install Microk8s. Type the following command:

[root@bastion ~]# dnf install snapd        

Snap will allow us to easily install Microk8s.

Step 4: Enable Snapd

Now, we need to start Snapd so it can be used immediately. Run this command:

[root@bastion ~]# systemctl enable --now snapd.socket        

This command enables Snapd and starts it right away.

Step 5: Create a Shortcut for Snap

We need to create a symbolic link (a shortcut) for Snap. This helps some systems find the Snap directory easily. Type:

[root@bastion ~]# ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap        

This command creates a link to the Snap directory.

Step 6: Install Microk8s

Now, let’s install Microk8s using Snap. Type this command:

[root@bastion ~]# snap install microk8s --classic        

After a short while, you should see a message like:

microk8s (1.27/stable) v1.27.2 from Canonical? installed        

This means Microk8s is successfully installed.

Step 7: Add Snap to System Path

Next, we need to make sure your system can easily find Microk8s when you type the commands. To do this, we will add Snap to the system's PATH. Type:

[root@bastion ~]# sudo visudo        

In the file that opens, add this line:

Defaults ? secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/snap/bin/        

Then save and exit the file.

Step 8: Reload the Shell

For the changes to take effect, we need to reload the shell. Do this by running:

[root@bastion ~]# exec $SHELL        

Now, your system will recognize Microk8s commands.

Step 9: Check Microk8s Status

To make sure Microk8s is running, check its status by typing:

[root@bastion ~]# microk8s status --wait-ready        

You should see output like this:

microk8s is running
high-availability: no
datastore master nodes:
datastore standby nodes: none        

This means that Microk8s is up and running.

Step 10: Enable Add-ons

Microk8s comes with many add-ons to enhance Kubernetes. Let’s enable some important ones, like the dashboard, DNS, and registry. Run the command:

[root@bastion ~]# microk8s enable dashboard dns registry istio        

This will enable these useful add-ons.

Step 11: Get Access to the Dashboard

To log in to the Kubernetes dashboard, you’ll need a token. To get the token, type the following command:

[root@bastion ~]# microk8s kubectl describe secret -n kube-system microk8s-dashboard-token        

You’ll see a token in the output. Copy this token as you will need it to log in.

Step 12: Open the Dashboard

To access the Kubernetes dashboard, run this command:

[root@bastion ~]# microk8s dashboard-proxy        

You’ll get a URL like this:        

Copy the URL and paste it into your browser. Use the token from Step 11 to log in to the dashboard.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed Kubernetes using Microk8s on AlmaLinux 9. Now, you can manage your Kubernetes cluster, enable add-ons, and use the dashboard to monitor and manage everything.

This setup gives you an easy way to run Kubernetes on your local machine, making it perfect for learning and experimenting with container management.


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