Step Back to Go Forward
Adam Robinson
Founder & Chief Growth Officer ?? at Markexe. I ?? helping small businesses grow. ?? Director of Startup Grind in Louisville, KY. ?? Geeks out on strength training ???? and nutrition.
Sometimes you have to take a step back before you can go forward.
In late summer 2017, I hit a goal of squatting 315 pounds. I soon began experiencing pain in my quadriceps that would not go away. I did some research and learned that this type of pain was an indicator of poor squatting technique.
I had to learn how to squat properly. It was frustrating to take a step back, but it was necessary if I wanted to continue squatting heavy.
After six months, I squatted 300 again. I am pain-free and feel stronger than ever.
Correcting my squat technique will allow me to lift more.
Sometimes we tend to rush into things and fail to focus on learning how to do it correctly the first time. We can’t be afraid to make honest assessments about a situation and take corrective action.
It may seem like a step backward in the short term; however, the long-term results will be well worth the effort.