Step back and examine what matters most: the human!
Akos Bardoczi
???Open-Source Intelligence Expert |???cybersecurity | ?? legal | ??Google Cloud Platform | ??threat hunting | ?? growth hacker | ?? Python | ???writer and lector
Dear HR people, you should consider rewriting most of the job ads and avoiding some terms
#humanresources #HR #talentacquisition.
Enterprise bullshits VS rational solutions as offers.
"Private health insurance" VS enough salary for treat an accidental trauma
"Corporate well-being" VS enough salary for savings to pay psychologist if needed
"Extra paid vacation days" VS balanced workload
"Company culture" VS asshole-free workplace
"Open door policy" VS harassments-free environment
"Professional development programs" VS enough salary to pay for elearning, exams, and hobbies before burnout
"Diversity and inclusion" VS in ideal circumstances, nobody cares about sexual orientation, religion, etc. We are humans; therefore, we must support everybody with a wide range of differences. Basically, this key factor increases the stability of the community and productivity. Non-forced equality should be the new norm, BUT without over-protecting everyone. I learned a lot from LGBT sources, but bear in mind that while they prohibit discrimination, take a quick look globally.
(1) There never was a topic in some cultures that was based on polite, respectful behavior - mostly in the Far East
(2) partially works in Europe and North America - the different countries, nay, different counties within a country show horrible differences
(3) women are facing huge disadvantages, and the ?? people are considered as criminals in the rest of the globe
Civilization should handle this issue properly regarding the affected state and culture!
The company needs smart and efficient employees with differences BUT without flat Earth believers and without similar idiots who can destabilize the entire COMMUNITY.
"Employer branding" VS if you ask a conventional and polite person [e.g., in Japan], they will think: it is definitely a narcissistic and sick idea, but somehow, it looks fancy in less stable countries. Every individual has—or should have—healthy confidence, and to maintain this status, it is our common responsibility!
“The work and private life are divided” VS really? Same human, same personality with same personal traits. If the radical activists are dangerous and prosecuted by law in the street, they aren’t same persons in the job? Shame!
“Your opinion matters; share with us.” VS leaves the different fields to specialists, but others have the right to listen and learn. Your opinion matters if you have enough proficiency - in an ideal world.
Weird corporate policies are unnecessary if you don’t work with criminals. Legal systems around the world already describe acceptable and unacceptable behaviors… and the law-enforced prescribed rules are higher-level than any corporate policy.
PIP and other types of legitimated, covered defamation of employees - according to evidence-based work psychology, the PIP is a notable example of ridiculous, scary, destructive and humiliation, where the boss plays as cops, the prosecutors, and the judge's role 3 in 1. Did you hear in elementary school about the trias politica model? The ancient law developed in Rome, but some enterprises simply ignored it after thousands of years. Similar: “prohibition of retaliation” and reporting someone anonymously way as a weapon of sociopaths toolkit. From the beginning of time, the allegedly offended party has to prove the unacceptable things that are against the social norms with his or her name instead of anonymous, unproven “facts,” which are usually simply dumb anonymously reported gossip.
In addition
The army is a completely different world that needs a different mindset, but the world became a safer place after II. World War, after the military sphere, adopted the efficient practices from really matured company cultures.
Competitive salary #2 - should be enough to pay for the university semester and pay a labor lawyer if needed ??
NEVER STAY ALONE! If somebody had explained these things to me earlier, I would be a different person now.
STAND OUT, BUT CAREFULLY - and keep in mind, your cry for help might be the base of character-killing
DON’T BE AFRAID to ask questions - in proper community, to individuals or to behavior specialists, mental healh practitioner
INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT - your non-work and work environment are critical; you will become similar to the people who are near you within some months or years. If you are human, you must help others in trouble, even whether you help a loser or the other party isn't loser.
You must ensure that the loser is not an unsalvageable loser or it is. Most of unsalvageable individuals are seriously toxic persons whos can damage your mental, financial resources and decrease your life quality.
The most serious toxic persons are those with multiple personality disorders, and they believe they help you.
About you and your people near you: see also network science approach researches from Albert-László Barabási, Péter Csermely, Alessandro Vespignani et al.
I learned a lot of things that others already knew in elementary school.
We don't know enough about the fine structure of well-known problems, such as the bubble effect or mankind's inability to handle the issues. The information overwhelms our brains. The result seems dystrophic: most people life is already determined as like as medieval ages. It is more hard and difficult to change ourselves than ever in any aspect of our lives. The gaps between different individuals are not just bigger than ever but probably affect more important things than ever before. Welcome to the new middle age!
As I often say, everybody has to solve their own issues, but it is impossible alone, without meaningful discussions with others—see above. Knowledge and authenticity are important. Trustworthiness is the glue of everything—see also evidence-based findings based on recent works from the mentioned researchers.
img sources: Forbes, Wikipedia, List of death deities