Step into Action.
We waste time in the world of "would have," "should have," "could have," in mourning for what we did not know.?At times, we cower in inaction, entertaining the desire for perfect execution. This is an ineffective investment of energy and one for which we can pay dearly. Life is a precious moment that unfolds in response to our choices. If we refuse to live in the present and to act on the wisdom of the moment, we have cheated the world out of our potential contribution.
It is no longer just about us. Look around. We can no longer afford to act like spoiled children awaiting the right invitation to step into our power. The world of possibility is decaying in the shadow of cinematic dreams. We are not given the gift of life to live as spectators. We are here to live and to contribute to the growth of humanity by using our passion, gifts, and talents for the greater good.
For what were you born? Why do you feel that you are on this planet? To respond with indifference or uncertainty is inexcusable unless you are working (IN ACTION) toward greater clarity. Apathy and perfectionism will only result in decay. If the "big picture" is too large for digestion, think about today. What is your purpose today? Commit to an intention and live in the moment, allowing the opportunities before you to carry you onward.
Success or sabotage??Stop pretending that you must clearly define "success" before you may act. Allow the actions to provide you with the clarity that you so richly desire.
Is this going to be an incredible day??Every day has the seed of possibility. What you do with it, is your choice.