Step #8 Pause
Hooray for you!??You've already learned about and practiced four different probes;
*?OPEN probes place no limit on the length or content of the?response.
*?CLOSED probes limit the length and content of the response.
*?SUMMARY probes restate, in question form, what you just?heard.
*?LEADING probes are statements in question form.
There's just one more probe to go, and although it is considered by many topflight professional negotiators as the most valuable of all the probes, you might not have even realized it actually is a probe.??Why, you ask???It’s primarily because this probe doesn't have a question mark (?) after it.??I know, I know, you're thinking how can you have a probe, a question, without a question mark at the end???And you’re probably also thinking, has yours-truly finally popped his pomegranate, pushed over his pi?ata, and peeled his persimmon.??
Well, there's a very good chance you're right . . . however, there's still no question mark at the end of this probe.??You know why???It's because this probe isn’t any part of a sentence, and therefore it doesn't have a question mark at the end.??There isn't really any end.??Your fifth probe is a?Pause.??And of course, you’re asking, so why is a Pause considered a probe???Just hang in there for a moment and I'll explain.??
To Pause is to be silent.??When you're being completely silent it forces your client to become vocal.??And what do the other four probes do???They force your client to say something, become vocal.??See, it's all starting to make sense now, isn't it???Oops, I’m back on those leading probes again.??
When you Pause,?your silence?initiates your client’s unplanned response.?Just imagine you're standing in front of your client.??Are you imagining???They're not responding to you question (probe) and you're not saying anything.??You're just standing there staring at one another.?I'm sure you know exactly what it feels like being confronted with one of those uncomfortable silent moments.? Here’s an example:?
The blank space above was me pausing, being silent.??It was pretty uncomfortable, wasn't it???Too many salespeople become so uncomfortable with silence that without realizing it they'll say anything to break the silence.??They fill every quiet moment between their client and themselves with some form of chatter.?Consider this, if you, the salesperson, are the one who's talking, then your client isn't.??How are you supposed to learn anything about your client when the person talking is you???Ponder this for a moment;?you learn nothing when you’re the one who is talking!??
When you're silent you’re forcing your client to speak.??You'll often see discomfort in the face and actions of your client.??Looking around, hanging one's head, desperately avoiding eye contact, shuffling feet, uneasy hand movements, body shifting, and repetitive motions are all typical actions your client will exhibit when you use Pause.??Your client?will speak.??What's important when you Pause, is that you don't show any signs of discomfort.??Count on it, your client will speak.
Are you worried that your client may feel some discomfort and because of that he or she will like you less???That's a fear I hear quite often from salespeople.??"If I Pause my client will feel ticked off and kick me out of his office".??Well, I’m sorry, that's just not the way it works.??There are no negative residual feelings from a Pause.?When your client responds the client feels relief.??Responding to a Pause is what eliminates the client’s discomfort.??Your client won't hold any negative feelings against you because they were forced to respond.??In fact, rather than considering the discomfort portion of a Pause as a potential negative factor, you should be looking at it as a didactic experience.?Your client will have just been trained to respond to your probes . . . or feel uncomfortable if they don't.?Whenever you feel your client is unlikely to interact, Pause.??This will?force interaction from them.??
There's more to Pausing than just forcing your client to verbalize their thoughts.??Pausing is a matter of courtesy.??Every so often you'll come across individuals who have a tendency to ponder extensively over any question posed to them.??Their responses come more slowly than you'd expect.??That is of course, unless you don't give them the time to respond.??In that case their responses don't come at all.??On occasion, as people age, they may tend to respond a little more slowly.??In both of these cases, courtesy dictates that after you've asked a question, probed, you must always Pause.??There's another important point here.??It's one more point of courtesy, and it's one I mentioned earlier.??No matter how important you feel what you have to say may be, Pause until your client has finished speaking.??You always have a good feeling about yourself when you're being well mannered and courteous.??Not to mention, your clients will respect you for your courtesy and proper manners.? Please note, probing in no way diminished the importance that courtesy plays in communication, or in sales in general.??
There's one factor that up to this point has really gone unmentioned.?That's your attitude as a professional salesperson and as a professional communicator.??Your attitude, your approach, and your overall behaviors determine the perception you'll create for your clients.??And although your appearance, mannerisms, and behaviors are extremely important, without the appropriate attitude everything you do will seem incongruous in the eyes of your clients.??
Nowhere else is the blending of your attitude, mannerisms, and behaviors more evident than in your probing skills, and especially in your use of Pause.?When you Pause your attitude should always be,?"I deserve, and moreover, demand a response to my probe.?And I'll wait indefinitely if necessary!"??
Okay now, don't snatch up your Star Wars Light Saber and prepare to attack poor helpless little me.??Let's temper you're "demanding a response" with a modicum of humility, consideration, and of course courtesy.??Yes, you expect and demand a response, however, you do that gently and with warmth.?Don't stand there, after probing, with furrowed brows, tapping your foot, and with an intimidating look on your face as though their immediate demise is directly at hand.??Wait for the response after your probe as the warm, friendly, and courteous salesperson you've been throughout the entire sales interaction.?Communication isn't a gift you possess, it's a learned skill.??Being a quality communicator only comes with diligent practice and of course, the right attitude.
Of course, we've all heard of the?Golden Rule.??Okay, okay, so you know someone who hasn't heard of the?Golden Rule, or probably anything else as far as that's concerned, but aside from that one particular person, everybody's heard of the?Golden Rule.??I'll bet there are some of you who even practice the?Golden Rule.??However, as strange as it may seem there's actually another Golden Rule.??It's the?Golden Rule of Communication.??Every time you Probe . . . Pause.??It's a matter of affording your client the courtesy, and the opportunity, to respond.??It's also a matter of you receiving the response you expect and deserve.??Every time you Probe . . . Pause.
When you probe, two or three times in a row without giving your client the opportunity to respond you rarely receive an answer to all of your probes.?In fact, you may not receive a response to any of them.??On occasion you'll find a client who'll respond to the one probe you asked that they actually want to answer. They'll completely ignore the remainder of your probes.?Probing multiple times without allowing your client the opportunity to respond is a manipulative technique use by unscrupulous salespeople.??They'd rather confuse their client than educate them.??Those type of salespeople aren't interested in what the client wants, they're only interested in selling what they want.??
If you've ever felt as though you were being pushed around, made to appear incompetent, not listened to, or totally unappreciated by a salesperson . . . then you've come across the type of salesperson you definitely don't want to emulate.??You, on the other hand, are a professional salesperson.?You're interested in listening to and satisfying all of your clientele.??It's professional salespeople like you that make me proud to say . . .??I'm a salesperson!??
For additional information about David Richman and Butterfield Enterprises, Inc. take a moment to review David’s Linkedin Profile and read what his clients have to say about him.??If you would prefer speaking directly to David, call (818) 368-1308 or email? And if you haven’t already done so, join David’s Linkedin network.