Step 8: How Do I Get What I Want
Welcome to Step 8 of this 21 step course.
Accountability is vital. It sounds abstract and it is actually entirely practical. Accountability as I practise it, is calling someone to tell them that you have done what you said you were going to do, to create your goal. Then to celebrate it with them. That's it. It is a fun thing and it powers up your trust in yourself and energises your self motivation, which are propelling you forward towards your goal.
Importantly, accountability is also calling up that specific someone when you haven't done what you said you were going to do. To say when you are going to do it and to stick to it and then tell them when you've done it. If you are unaccountable, you lose trust in yourself, your confidence deflates and you lack power and curiosity in your goal. Always recover and get back on track. Set a new reminder to do this task and of course - celebrate. Always celebrate because you are one step closer to your juicy goal and you are starting to live in the adventurous part of yourself.
Be wise when you choose someone to support you. They need to be strong enough to hold you to account and to support and encourage you. Accountability encourages you to take responsibility and to build trust in yourself. It improves your performance and spurs you on. With each completed task you will increase the trust you have in yourself. You need to nurture rock solid trust in yourself to create what you want.
Tomorrow in Step 9, we'll be looking at how to apply a discipline of steel.