Step 7: How Do I Get What I Want
Welcome to Step 7 of this 21 step course
Now you have your Juicy Goal Completion Timing Plan, you can create a series of juicy reminders to keep you on track. You will not 'just remember'. This is a fact.
You may face resistance to inputting these reminders and completing a task when the reminder comes up. This is just the inner saboteur talking again, you need to silence it. You do this by connecting with the juiciness of your goal, feeling the motor of your inner motivation whirring away and using that excitement to take action and feel good about yourself.
Being organised and disciplined creates results.You can use a desk diary or a calendar app or both. Input all the actions with their timings and notifications. Take time and focus, so you are clear and accurate with all the details. Look for any clashes and courageously and creatively resolve.
When you have completed an action remember to tick it off. Then go and tell someone you have done it and celebrate! Each time, with each action ticked off, you are one step closer to creating what you want in your life.
In the next few days, in Step 8, we'll be looking at how vital it is to trust yourself and to be accountable to yourself.
How You Get What You Want is the first in a series of online courses here on LinkedIn and at instagram and facebook.