Step 6: How Do I Get What I Want

Step 6: How Do I Get What I Want

Welcome to Step 6 of this 21 step course.

Because you are clear, focused and energised, you can specify with ease, every single action necessary to create your juicy goal. You will have to gather information so you get an accurate picture of what is required. Do not make assumptions. Be factual. Don't overdo it either, you can spend weeks researching. Trust yourself and keep your inner engine of motivation ticking away. Research all possible options then with confidence, choose.

Be clear about your juicy goal completion deadline - the exact date by which you want to have achieved your goal. Bring in your clarity and do not allow any vagueness. Once you have your list of specific, researched, clear actions then you write a completion date next to each action.

Notice any potential clashes and make adjustments. Are there any individuals, family members, groups or events that affect your timing plan? If so look at how you can work with or around them. Ask them to support you in creating your juicy goal.

Take your time, don't rush, and with laser focus write down clearly the specific details of all your actions and their specific deadlines in your journal or copy them onto an excel spreadsheet. This is your Juicy Goal Completion Timing Plan.

In the next few days, in Step 7, we'll be looking at the way you will keep your word and stick to your Juicy Goal Completion Timing Plan.

How You Get What You Want is the first in a series of online courses here on LinkedIn and at instagram and facebook.


