Step 4: How Do I Get What I Want
Welcome to Step 4 of this 21 step course.
Now that you are crystal clear and you have opened up to allow your goal in, then focus your mind like a laser beam on your goal. Anything that is not your goal, place to one side. Any side bar issues, blocks or impediments create a Parking Bay page in your notebook or journal, usually it is a page at the back. Keep adding to that list as the blocks real, feared or imagined, come up. It is amazing how when you get committed to creating what you really want, suddenly there are so many other things shouting urgently.
Keep your imagination flying and your inner motor of motivation running and onto that crystal clarity bring your laser beam focus. A laser is an intense narrow beam of light. You are emitting light onto the thing you want. You need to hold that beam in your mind's eye and amplify its intensity. A laser can maintain its intensity over long distances. You can maintain your focus over long distances too. You can learn to increase the intensity and to hold focus very simply - through a firm intention and with practice.
In Step 5, we'll be exploring the importance of creating not just any goal but a really juicy goal.
How You Get What You Want is the first in a series of online courses here on LinkedIn and at instagram and facebook.