Step 3: How Do I Get What I Want
Welcome to Step 3 of this 21 step course.
So you have given yourself permission to ask for what you want. You have created clarity and you have kick-started your motor of motivation. Imagine having the thing you want. What does it feel like? Feel it deeply in your mind, in your heart and the whole of you. Describe the feeling. Make space for that feeling in you. Write it down. What can you do to root it into you, permanently?
What if, as the poet Rumi said: 'What you seek is seeking you' ? Can you allow the thing that you are seeking, to seek and find you? Can you relax and let it in? Maybe you have turned away from it or shut it out? Do you have your defences up. Name them, one by one. Write them down. Which ones are real and which ones are not real?
Close your eyes and go into your imagination. Bring each defence to mind and slowly one by one let each defence down. Can you see them coming down and dissolving into nothing, one by one?
Can you see in your imagination the thing you want to create looking for you – where is it now, where are you? What are you doing, are you turning towards it or away from it? What else do you need to do to be ready and open? Anything else? Be quite sure.
You can open up and receive the thing you want to create NOW. Receive it, be grateful. Hold it to you and don't let it go.
In a few days, we'll be exploring Step 4, powerful focus.