Step #2: Settling on a market, part II
John McCoy ???
Aviation Copywriter | B2B & B2C Blog Writing | Aviation & Automotive SEO | My writing puts eyeballs on your business ??
Okay, so how exactly did I settle on which market to target?
Simple: saturation.
I’m not giving away the secret sauce here, but I’ll tell you that I have been working exclusively in a narrow niche where there is competition for work. I’m not saying there will be no competition, but there will be no competition. And also, I chose a market that is dense in my area. In fact, it’s dense everywhere. There are a lot of these particular professionals in every city, including medium sized cities. And what’s more is that almost all of them have a website even if it totally sucks (Note: down the road when this thing is really clicking, building websites will be part of a package for anyone who doesn’t already have one).
But more than anything, I needed to target a market that not only has plenty of options, but that has lots of money. I’m not promoting greed or greediness, but we all need to make a living. If I’m spending my time researching their site and offering solutions, it’s got to be for people or organizations that can afford my services.
I'll leave the specifics to your imagination, but if you are out there creating your own destiny as I am, you can pick anything you want. Make dang sure you settle on a couple of specific clientele to target, and frankly, you need the ones that are flush with cash. This is going to sound harsh, but this isn't charity. Should we all do some charity work or charitable giving? Absolutely. But this ain't it.
You are out here trying to build something, and it has to sustain you. So go for the whales. Now, I am not saying that you are going to reel in any monsters right off the bat with no experience. If you have no experience freelancing, we should talk. This is a high-intermediate level discussion.
So anyway, there are two or three markets that I personally am targeting, and I do not plan to deviate from those. And why should I? According to my preliminary research, there are around 1,000 professionals in Topeka from just one of those areas. How much more do I need than that?