Step 2: How Do I Get What I Want
Welcome to Step 2 of this 21 step course.
Now you have given yourself permission and you have thought beyond your wildest imagination and you have connected with what you really want. Now you have to create clarity.
You have to create a pin-sharp, clear picture of what you want. Take note of all the fine details, the exact what, when and how of it. Write it down. Be extremely clear and specific. What is it exactly? Go through your description and delete anything broad, general, vague or non-specific. Imagine what you want in all its magnificence. Draw pictures or print off photographs of it, exactly as it is.
You must be highly specific so what you want to create is bright and sparkling with crystal clarity. When you are this clear you will feel a little motor kick start inside you. This is the motor of your inner motivation which will carry you through to the next stage in creating what you want. Connect with your heart, keep flying with your imagination, see with clarity and notice the rumble of your inner motivation.
In Step 3. we'll be exploring the importance of relaxing and letting go of barriers.