Step 14: How Do I Get What I Want
Welcome to Step 14 of this 21 step course.
Self-acknowledgment is standing in your truth. It is allowing yourself to feel proud of your achievements and proud of the gorgeous person you are and the gorgeous being you are becoming. Self-acknowledgement fuels up your inner motor of passion, confidence and determination which is driving you towards your juicy goal.
When you stand in your power and you honour yourself, you can become the creator of what you want in your life. What are the reasons you give yourself to not acknowledge yourself? Write a list of them in your journal. These are the reasons of the inner saboteur. Turn down the sound on the saboteur and on your limiting beliefs. Let its noise slip away into the background like the murmur of traffic. At the same time shun false humility, you are not a martyr. Shun false arrogance, you are not better than others. Be authentic so when you are self-acknowledging it rings true in your ears.
Your mouth is closest to your ears and your mind receives messages as from a loudhailer. Acknowledge your mistakes and let them go. If you belittle yourself you will belittle others. Express gratitude to yourself and those who are supporting you. Talk to yourself gently, like a parent speaking softly to a child. Say how well you are doing, what progress you are making, what you are proud of. When you are clear speak all those wonderful acknowledgments clearly and loudly. First in front of the mirror alone, and then to your supporters and after that maybe to strangers too. I acknowledge myself for...
Praise yourself for your crystal clarity, your laser focus and your devoted discipline. Reinforce your determination and persistence. Self-acknowledgment is about facts.You have worked diligently on your goal. You love and accept yourself. You are making a wonderful contribution in your life, this matters, these are rock-solid facts, accept the truth.
In a few days, in Step 15, we'll be looking at celebrating success.
How You Get What You Want is the first in a series of online courses here on LinkedIn and at instagram and facebook.
Life Changing @ Viv Va Voom Coaching
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