Step 11: How Do I Get What I Want
Welcome to Step 11 of this 21 step course.
Determination means to determine and to enforce within yourself the boundaries required to create your goal. These are agreed boundaries. You wanted them. You created them. You agreed them. By holding these boundaries and your goal with a firmness of spirit you discover your inner determination. You never give up.
At every step of getting what you want, your determination will make the difference. It will assert itself just as you are becoming lazy, distracted, sorry for yourself or willing to make excuses to let your boundaries slip. Do not allow anyone or anything to stop you creating your juicy goal which you love which has come from your inspired source.
Passionately welcome all challenges. Outrageously exaggerate your determination. Worship the light at the end of every tunnel. Excitedly seize upon the silver linings. Do a dance of gratitude. Honour and celebrate your powerful determination. Remember it is more difficult to think about your actions towards your goal than to do them.
As you power up your inner determination, you power up your inner motor of motivation and together they drive you through to the next stage.
In Step 12, we'll be exploring determination's potent ally, persistence.