Step #1 Receptivity
Receptivity is the willingness to listen with an open mind. However, just because your clients are receptive doesn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that they will buy from you or necessarily even agree with you. When your clients are receptive it simply means they are willing to consider what you say without them being prejudice. Being receptive is being open-minded.
If your clients are unwilling to listen to you with an open mind, you won't be able to convince them of anything. And isn't that exactly what salespeople do, they convince? If your clients aren't receptive, the simple fact of the matter is, you won't be able to convince them. You know what that means. You won't be able to sell them. Without your clients receptivity there are no sales!
Okay, you got it. Without receptivity you can't convince. If you can't convince, you can't sell. So no matter how you cut it, receptivity isn't just an integral part of sales, without receptivity there are no sales. Have you ever explained something specific to someone? Then, the moment you finished your detailed and succinct explanation that person asked you a question that you just answered in your explanation. If that's ever happened to you, and it's happened to everyone I know, then you know exactly what it's like to lose someone's receptivity. Unfortunately you won't always have your clients questions to indicate you've lost their receptivity. Your clients aren't going to notify you about their lack of receptivity by sticking their fingers in their ears. Well, some might, but most won't. So here's a simple gauge for you to use. On average a persons receptivity lasts between thirty to ninety seconds. That means every thirty to ninety seconds you need to do something to confirm you have your client’s receptivity.
The technique of creating receptivity is called Spinning up Receptivity. Okay, now let's define that. Spinning up Receptivity is the interactional process used to initiate or reestablish receptivity. All right, so what does that mean? When you have reciprocal, or two-way, communication with your clients, you are normally guaranteed to have your client’s receptivity. When you lose your client's receptivity you probe, ask a question, to reestablish their receptivity. This technique is known as Spinning Up Receptivity. But it really just means you're using probes, questions, to maintain the involvement of your clients in the interaction between you and them. Remember, you need your client’s receptivity to convince them, to sell them. Spinning up Receptivity is the technique you'll use to acquire your client’s receptivity. You probe to Spin up Receptivity. It's pretty simple when you stop to think about it, isn't it?
You probe to better know your clients. You probe to determine what your clients do understand and don't understand. You probe to determine your client’s needs. You probe to spin up their receptivity. You probe, probe, probe. Without probes you'll never be able to control interactions with your clients. Never; did I say never? That sounds awfully ominous, "Never be able to control interactions with your clients". Ominous it is. When you know how to use probes appropriately you can control any interaction. Yes, you heard it right, any interaction. Actually you read it, but pretend you heard it. Don't spoil the magic of the moment. Lack probing skills and you'll not only relinquish control, but you may also alienate your clients, be incapable of determining your client’s needs, and find yourself at the bottom of the salesperson's score board. In addition to probing being a salespersons finest tool, it's also the bases for all interactional and intellectual communication skills. Yeah, I guess you could say probes are kind of important.
For additional information about David Richman and Butterfield Enterprises, Inc. take a moment to review David’s Linkedin Profile and read what his clients have to say about him. If you would prefer speaking directly to David, call (818) 368-1308 or email [email protected]. And if you haven’t already done so, join David’s Linkedin network.