The Stench of Selfish Behavior
Co-Founder of Travel Tours & X39 Wellness with R & L Group LLC. Promoting God's Love for Humanity as an Ethical Entrepreneur.
In my opinion, based on MY experience while on planet Earth: All of these folks in America running around wanting to protest & reopen the country so they can "feel normal" again are not thinking clearly. Even as a travel/marketing professional, my advice to anyone, client or not, is #StayHome! The world can wait, and if you die trying to rush things or cause someone else's family member to suffer due to your own "needs," then take the chain off your narcissistic brain. The United States has enough political narcissism to deal with because this is NOT a political issue.
Life and death are and always have been morality issues!
Right now I'm thanking God because I was able to visit my husband & be by his side on three separate occasions:
1. Late May 2005: Prostate Cancer Surgery followed by 8 weeks of radiation. UNEXPECTED.
2. Early May 2005: Angioplasty...80% blockage in the main artery of his heart. UNEXPECTED.
3. Early May 2017: Lime-sized brain tumor removed. UNEXPECTED followed by 90 days of recovery & a lifetime of adjustments.
People need to realize that even without covid19, life will take you through some changes you did not ask for. already know #Coronavirus is an EXPECTED KILLER. It is right in front of your face. So my advice to the wise is to put a mask over your face or face the consequences...because diseases don't care about your life but you can care about how your life choices can help others. #VoteByMail. Cover up YOUR face, and stop taking loved ones with pre-existing conditions for granted!!!