Stegos Blockchain.
Stegos is a scalable, optimally confidential, and a fully private cryptocurrency that’s ecologically friendly. It’s design is based on the enhancement of some other cryptocurrency, including the aspect of privacy and transactions.
Stegos can be used to make transactions such as transferring payments and vital information with absolute confidentiality attached. Stegos has been designed to make use of Proof of Stake consensus and UTXO model. Interestingly, every transactions carried out using Stegos are not traceable, linkable and can’t be revealed. It goes as far as ensuring that each transactions doesn’t include the recipients and this is done in a way that every transactions are been sent through with a different address instead of the recipient’s address.
Stegos can be used to make transactions such as transferring payments and vital information with absolute confidentiality attached. Stegos has been designed to make use of Proof of Stake consensus and UTXO model. Interestingly, every transactions carried out using Stegos are not traceable, linkable and can’t be revealed. It goes as far as ensuring that each transactions doesn’t include the recipients and this is done in a way that every transactions are been sent through with a different address instead of the recipient’s address.
Additionally, it’s also impossible to get any transaction history from Stegos. This is because transactions are been carried out in bulk. Thanks to it Snowball privacy design which makes it possible to collate every transactions together and process as a super transaction. These transactions are highly secured and confidential even before the final submission to any blockchain validator is done. Likewise, every amount in Stegos can’t be traced.
Stegos uses what is known as cryptographic commitments. It also uses zero-knowledge proof. These two features does makes it impossible for transactions amount to be visible to people. This amazing cryptocurrency is quite small in size but does a mighty work and works pretty fast.
Technically, Stegos is compatible with mobile devices. It is designed with cryptographic pruning and this makes it possible for every coins spent and every data consumed to be deleted from the blockchain. And for this, Stegos is made compatible to work on any mobile devices so as to make things easier and reachable. Thus, Stegos is the first of it kind in the history of cryptocurrency that is at your fast reach. It runs a light node on waves mobile devices. Tokens can be earned too through mobile staking. There’s also the help of fair gamified which allows users that are not pro to win big.
Logically, this cryptocurrency is also very friendly ecologically and environmentally sustainable.
It’s aware of the need of the environment and thus, it doesn’t consume much electricity power before mining blocks can be done.
It aims to build on upgrading the distributed systems theory and cryptography with it use of Proof of Stake consensus. There is absolute confirmation as verification of every new Stegos block by validators.
More importantly, Stegos is fast and highly scalable. It’s able to process thousands of transactions within a second. Stegos is designed with cross-shard atomic which ensures there’s no double spending. This transactional sharding to scale is one of the major unique features of Stegos.
In a nutshell, Stegos is a highly confidential and private cryptcurrency that allows for peer-to peer messages and helps to keep messages and chats away from third parties. There’s also the Stegos app that’s quite easy to use, fully integrated and powerful, and designed with topmost immunity from any prying eyes.
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