Steer your vehicle
Nkatha Ogutu
Founder & Executive Lead Consultant - Mayce' Thayanka Image & Well-Being Consultants Ltd, Of Coloured Skin, Author-Our Endo Stories. Host of the 360+Wellness show.
Many of us have been in a vehicle where the driver judged every other motorist from behind his steering wheel? Some of us have been that driver. The judging driver. The driver who thinks that every other road user was either driving too slow or too fast, pedestrians were crossing the road incorrectly or the cyclists were on the wrong lane. Whereas this might be true in some circumstances, it should not take centre stage and our focus off the road.
The same concept applies to various aspects of life. When we allow ourselves to be easily distracted by other peoples’ activities which do not necessarily feed into our input, then we lose sight of what is important to us. If we become too busy judging who is not living right or who is moving onwards or backwards, we will realise, sadly just a little too late that we also lost our bearing on where we were headed.
Keep to your lane, do what you are meant to do, focus on the bigger picture and do not allow other peoples’ journeys to alter your destination unless it is for the better. In other words, do not let your food get cold worrying about what’s on my plate.