A Steep Lesson I Learned From My 12-Year-Old Daughter
A few years ago, my 12-year-old daughter stepped off the side of a mountain for one of the steepest, fastest and scariest rides of her life.
It was frightening but she did it without hesitation. She had the time of her life.
We went to Colorado for vacation and traveled a zip-line down the side of a mountain.
It was actually seven zip-lines, each one progressively faster and steeper.
There was a guide, and of course we wore multiple levels of protection to minimize our risk.
The first zip-line was barely ten feet off the ground. It was embarrassingly non-risky. The second ride was only slightly higher and steeper. The last ride was over a canyon, 1800 feet long and we traveled at highway speeds.
Every person in our group, older and younger, did the same without wavering.
Why? Because we had taken little baby steps along the way.
Your company’s healthcare costs issues may feel like a mountain. Perhaps you feel there’s no way to traverse the mountain in front of you.
There are options. Here are just a few:
- Reference Based Pricing,
- Employee Advocacy,
- Rejecting the Big Healthcare Carriers to Work with a TPA,
- A Co-Op or Captive,
- Or maybe changing to a network that matches employees’ conditions to quality doctors with low complication rates.
All that seems overwhelming. Just writing it seems daunting to me.
Maybe you’re not familiar with these options. Maybe you’ve heard of a few but don’t have time to investigate them.
Or perhaps you’re like most, and they sound too good to be true. They seem scary. Poorly managed, they are scary.
Perhaps what you need is a guide and some baby steps.
Don’t wait to start solving your healthcare challenges until you are on a ledge and only step is the steepest, scariest solution.
My name is Dwayne Roecker and I lead a team that provides health insurance for medium-sized companies.
We are revolutionizing group healthcare that empowers employees, controls costs, gets compliance out of your way, improves quality and solves problems.
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