Stealing children of Ukraine orphanages unfortunately part of the DNA of the worst excesses of the expansion of the Muscovite state
Natalya Kadyrova lives next to the orphanage. She also described the moment the Russian military came to abduct the children.
"When the children were being taken out, Russian armoured personnel vehicles were standing around the perimeter and soldiers so that no one would film."
The children were toddlers, ages three to five, and she says the moment still haunts her.
"Of course I'm worried about them, they are small children. They are just abandoned children. We do not know where they are, what happened to them or where they were taken."
The Ukrainian prosecutors office says Russians took 48 orphans aged three to five from this orphanage. They say they have opened a criminal prosecution into the case and called in the Ukrainian secret service to investigate.
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This duplicity and terror is also reflected in the following in a historical context
In this virtual reality, which is loudly called the "Russian World," there are many contradictory slogans. For example, right alongside “remember how our grandfathers fought!” There are also both "Russia has never attacked anyone" and "Russia’s borders have no end."
At the same time, we should remember that the territory of Muscovy in 1547 (the date of the proclamation of the Muscovite Kingdom) was already the result of the aggression of Ivan IV the Terrible and his predecessors - Ivan III and Basil III, who started the policy of "the gathering of lands." And in less than a hundred years, they had "gathered" so many lands that they had increased the territory of the Moscow principality by more than 10 times. Gathered "peacefully," of course. That is, the biggest "peacemakers" in the world during the existence of the Russian state managed to increase the land area from less than 200 thousand km2 (Muscovy until 1300) to 22.4 million km2 (the USSR), i.e. more than 100 times (!!!). This is not just a world record for "peacefulness" a la russe, but likely for the amount of human blood spilled over the millennia. Because this is typical for the Muscovites, who conquered new lands, using absolutely the same criteria as Putin in Ukraine: scorched earth, soaked in blood.
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Russia DID provide a historical service by crushing the NAZI empire in world war II. No one disputes that, But what is NOT said is that a legacy of terror in Ukraine, the Baltic plus the wholesale destruction of the Russian general Staff by Stalin gutted the USSR. If the Germans had attacked the USSR with the USSR NOT undergoing the lunacy of the great Purge with its full general staff dismantled, NAZI Germany would not have gotten more than about 40 kilometers into Russian lines before being thrown back and destroyed,.
However, the point is this, going back to the 15-16 century, that Russia has had a tradition of soaking the hinder land about Moscow with blood, as noted in the quoted section. If there is to be an end to this dynamic the repeated massacres about Moscow and beyond have to be stopped and there has to be a historical recognition of the dynamic of blood soaked expansion and its exterpiation,
In other words the blood soaked expansion from Moscow in the 1300s to today has to be honestly faced up to and exterpiated. Otherwise we will have more wars: The stealing of Ukrainian children from an orphanage is unfortunately part of a long travail of over the top aggression since about 1300 or so which has to be faced honestly. Honesty and the end to the repeated wars is only possible if there is an accounting of over 700 years of violence
“Peaceloving” a la russe: How historical Russia was formed
December 7, 2022, 07:00 AM
Historical Russia is the largest state in the world to be built entirely on blood
NV is publishing an excerpt of Ihor Harin's new book,?Crimes of the Collective Putin
When a country stretches from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean, a natural question arises as to how the small principality of Moscow grew to comprise such vast territories whose size exceeds that of all other countries of the world. And it grew with endless wars of aggression in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, the Volga, Siberia, Central Asia, and the Far East. In fact, the history of Russia in the 13th-20th centuries, which was accompanied by significant territorial growth, is an almost continuous period of wars of conquest, which, for the sake of decency, are called "liberation" by Russian historians.
Here it should be noted that Moscow could wage endless wars against its neighbors, having the Mongol Horde as its ally and protector. Why? Because, while collecting tribute for the Horde, Muscovite lords did not forget themselves, either, collecting much more than was necessary and spending the surplus on waging wars of aggression. They not only paid the Horde correctly and on time, but also expressed their willingness to help the outlaws of the Golden Horde to extract tribute from the neighboring principalities. That is, Muscovite princes went into voluntary service to their conquerors. It was in the interests of the Horde to strengthen Moscow as much as possible, because good Moscow paid properly and fought valiantly against the wicked, who paid reluctantly, not on time, and only under the threat of force. It is clear that the invaders transferred part of their powers to the hands of Moscow’s princes. It can be compared with how in 1941, millions of Red Army soldiers were captured by the Nazis, and from those ranks immediately appeared people that became voluntary helpers of the invaders. The capture and subjugation of neighboring principalities by Moscow can be compared to mafia wars, when the most treacherous, cruel and cunning kingpin mercilessly subjugates neighboring possessions.
In this virtual reality, which is loudly called the "Russian World," there are many contradictory slogans. For example, right alongside “remember how our grandfathers fought!” There are also both "Russia has never attacked anyone" and "Russia’s borders have no end."
At the same time, we should remember that the territory of Muscovy in 1547 (the date of the proclamation of the Muscovite Kingdom) was already the result of the aggression of Ivan IV the Terrible and his predecessors - Ivan III and Basil III, who started the policy of "the gathering of lands." And in less than a hundred years, they had "gathered" so many lands that they had increased the territory of the Moscow principality by more than 10 times. Gathered "peacefully," of course. That is, the biggest "peacemakers" in the world during the existence of the Russian state managed to increase the land area from less than 200 thousand km2 (Muscovy until 1300) to 22.4 million km2 (the USSR), i.e. more than 100 times (!!!). This is not just a world record for "peacefulness" a la russe, but likely for the amount of human blood spilled over the millennia. Because this is typical for the Muscovites, who conquered new lands, using absolutely the same criteria as Putin in Ukraine: scorched earth, soaked in blood.
Thus, there is every reason to claim that historical Russia is the largest state in the world to be built entirely on blood. And the war with Ukraine is not just typical for Russia, but is indeed a mirror that reflects the barbaric and inhumane methods inherent in all of this terrible country’s other wars.
Currently, the territory of the Russian Federation is "only" 17 million km2, and this obviously greatly upsets the "collective Putin," who are once again looking for any (in particular, the most inhumane) ways to "peacefully annex" at least a piece of it (let's remember the epic with Crimea, "Novorossiya," the destructive war in Ukraine, and other Kremlin territorial claims against almost all of Russia's neighbors). But even against this historical background, the current war propaganda, which blares from every corner of the Russian information space, is unique not only in its totality, but in its terrible aggressiveness and mass scale – what they call "popular support".
There an ironic expression "to bomb Voronezh" (roughly, to cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face - ed.)?which reflects the influence of Russia’s aggressive policy on the sharp deterioration of life inside the country itself. But few have paid attention to the fact that today, after the "accession" of 4 Ukrainian regions, Putin is bombing his country, not in the figurative sense, but in the literal one. After all, many territories which Russia considers to be its own, including Zaporozhzhia, are today being subjected to barbaric bombing: Kramatorsk or Slovyansk (and in the near future, probably Kherson). Is this not classic schizophrenia? I'm not talking about the fact that the war unleashed by a serial killer has led to massive bombings of Belgorod and other border regions. Or that Putin's war has hit the entire world economy hard, including the economy of Russia’s so-called "allies," including China. (According to economists' estimates, the total damage from the war has already approached a trillion dollars.)
This is an average of one war every 7-8 years.
If we look at known historical facts, we learn that since the middle of the 16th century, Muscovy-Russia has participated in at least 76 different wars, conflicts, and military operations. Of course, most of these wars (54) were waged by Russia.
In the XIV-XVI centuries. Muscovy captured:
Kolomna (1301), Pereslavl-Zalisky (1302), Mozhaisk (1303), Halych (1330s), Smolensk (1359), Tula (1381), Volodymyr (1389), Kaluga (1389), Meshchera ( 1386), Suzdal (1392), Murom (1392), Vologda (1397), Kozelsk (1404), Ustyug (1425), Suzdal (1440), Rostov (1447), Shuya (1448), Rzhev (1449), Novgorod ( 1067 and 1478), Klin (1482), Yelets (1483), Ryazan (1483), Tver (1485), Vyatka (1489), Udmurtia (1489), Vyazma (1494), Novgorod-Siverskyi, Putivl, Bryansk, Mtsensk, Chernihiv, Gomel (1500?1505), Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514), Ryazan (1520), Kazan Khanate (Kazan, Cheboksary, Yelabuga, Samara, etc.; 1552), Astrakhan Khanate (Astarkan, Sarai , Magyars, etc.) (1556), Bashkiria (1582), the Siberian Khanate (1582), and the principalities of Priobya (1595), Tyumen (1594), and Izhora (1595).
This list is far from exhaustive.
The Novgorod pogrom eloquently testifies to what kind of passions there were - the march of Ivan the Terrible’s notorious?oprichnina?secret police corps to Novgorod in 1569?1570 under the personal leadership of Ivan the Terrible, which was accompanied by mass murders. At that time, many thousands of people fell victim to the life-giving tsar. Marching on Novgorod in the fall of 1569, the oprichniks staged mass murders and looting in Tver, Klin, Torzhk, and other towns on the way. The atrocities of the Russian army are simply stunning: the pogrom lasted six weeks, thousands of people were drowned in the Volkhov River, immersed in ice water, and then boiled alive in cauldrons, mercilessly tortured. Ivan ordered the residents of Novgorod to be doused with an incendiary mixture and then, still alive, set alight, tied by their hands and feet, dropped in the Volkhov River. They also threw women and children in there, with babies tied to their mothers. The oprichniks traveled the river in boats and killed those who floated away with pikes, spears, and axes. The water in the river turned red, and local priests and monks were beaten with clubs and thrown there after various abuses. Contemporaries report that the Volkhov River was filled with corpses, and a living tradition of this was preserved as early as the 19th century.
But the worst thing started in the city later. In 1569?1570, a terrible crop failure occurred. The total destruction of the few reserves by the Muscovites led to a terrible famine, from which many more people died than at the hands of the oprichniks. Cannibalism was widespread in Novgorod. The plague epidemic that started in Russia before the pogrom, and came to Novgorod after it, finished the job.
"There is no truth or justice in Novgorod," laments the chronicler. In the city and in its surrounding villages and parishes, there were robberies, exorbitant extortions from the people, shouting, cries, and curses on the oldest and the whole of Novgorod, and the people of Novgorod became an object of scorn for their neighbors.
In 1552, Ivan the Terrible took Kazan, the capital of the Tatar Khanate, with an army of 150,000. After the battle, the Christ-loving invaders slaughtered all the men who survived in the city, including captives, and the Tsar "gave the women and children to his army as booty."
Bucha, Irpin, Gostomel, Mariupol, Izyum, and tens of thousands of tortured and missing people – these are all unlearned lessons of the past, from the capture of Novgorod and Pskov by Ivan the Terrible to the atrocities of the Red Army in East Prussia and Afghanistan. In Russia’s "special path" or "unseen spirituality" that allows such killing, we see the justification of the "greatness" of the country and its next Fuhrer.
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CCTV shows chilling moment Russian FSB agents and soldiers scour Ukrainian orphanage for children
The footage has been exclusively obtained by Sky News as part of an investigation, during which orphanage workers said they have no idea about the location of children in their care after Russian soldiers took them.
By?Dominic Waghorn, International Affairs Editor?@DominicWaghorn
??Thursday 22 December 2022 08:03, UK
Ukrainians say 13,000 children have been taken from Ukraine by Russians since the invasion.
Sky News has unearthed evidence Russia has been abducting Ukrainian orphans and children in care.
Allegations that the Russian military has been deporting children have been some of the most disturbing aspects of this nasty war.
Sky News investigated reports Russians took children from two orphanages in Kherson. Our investigation found evidence supporting the claims but also revealed extraordinary bravery among ordinary Ukrainians trying to thwart their efforts.
Ukrainian officials say the Russian military abducted 97 orphans when they?withdrew from Kherson region .
The abduction of children is a grave violation of the rules of war.
Volodymyr Sahaidak is the director of an orphanage in the village of Stepanivka outside Kherson.
When Russian forces occupied the area he says he knew he had to take action to protect his children.
He had seen what Russians had done to orphans in the Donbas region since starting a civil war there in 2014.
"We saw Russian propagandists saying that they need to take the orphans to give them to military schools, indoctrinate them and let them fight for Russia," he said.
"It was the scariest thing so we started hiding children because we understood they would take them."
The 52 children at the orphanage were among the most vulnerable, orphans or in care, and it turns out Mr Sahaidak's fears were well-founded.
Exclusive CCTV footage obtained by Sky News from the orphanage cameras captures the chilling moment Russians arrived to find the children.
The footage shows agents with Russia's secret police, the FSB, leading soldiers with rifles through a building that should be a place of sanctuary.
"They confiscated all the children's files," Volodymyr told Sky News, "because they couldn't figure out where the children were, so they took files, they took computers, they took away the CCTV system because they wanted to know where the children had gone."
The children had gone because the community had heard the call from the orphanage to hide them. The entire village rallied together to protect the children, taking them in, three or four per family. They ran the risk of collaborators exposing them to the Russians and being arrested or shot.
The Russians never found the orphans but sent another fifteen children from elsewhere in Ukraine for the orphanage to look after. Sky News has seen videos showing orphanage staff taking them in and treating them as their own.
When Russian forces finally retreated from the region, they came and took all 15 children with them. There was nothing the orphanage could do.
Orphanage teacher Oxana described the day they were taken.
"They were put in these military vehicles and taken away, soldiers with machine guns, so of course the children were scared and didn't know where they were being taken."
They weren't the only ones, Sky News also investigated claims Russians took much younger children from another orphanage in central Kherson.
Natalya Kadyrova lives next to the orphanage. She also described the moment the Russian military came to abduct the children.
"When the children were being taken out, Russian armoured personnel vehicles were standing around the perimeter and soldiers so that no one would film."
Read more:
The children were toddlers, ages three to five, and she says the moment still haunts her.
"Of course I'm worried about them, they are small children. They are just abandoned children. We do not know where they are, what happened to them or where they were taken."
The Ukrainian prosecutors office says Russians took 48 orphans aged three to five from this orphanage. They say they have opened a criminal prosecution into the case and called in the Ukrainian secret service to investigate.
The Ukrainian government says 13,000 children have been deported or abducted by Russia during the war.
Mr Sahaidak and his village saved 52 children from the clutches of the Russians, but not the other 15 orphans taken by them.
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Andrew Beckwith, PhD