Steal your subject lines

Steal your subject lines

My Aussie client, Tina, was telling me the other day she’d used my book?Email Attraction so much the pages were starting to fall out.


(I glowed like a proud parent.)


But she admitted she still struggles?to write subject lines – ‘I just can’t nail those tricky little suckers…’. ?


Tina’s not alone.


Subject lines are slippery devils, aren’t they?


Hard to get a hold of at times.


It’s tough to condense everything down into a few enticing words.


But don’t agonise over them.


You just need to follow author?Austin Kleon’s ?lead. ?He says (in his book of the same name):?‘Steal like an artist’.


(Yes, I just stole Kleon’s quote about stealing. ?He’ll understand.)


Kleon wasn’t talking about subject lines, but it’s still great advice.


So look at the emails in your own inbox.


Which subject lines stand out? ?Why?


What emotion do they stir up in you? ?Curiosity? ?Excitement? ?Reassurance? Worry?


Which can you?steal take inspiration from for your own subject lines?


It’s as easy as that to nail those tricky little suckers. ?Easy, right?

I'm a marketing and brand consultant and communication coach. To get your business off that comfy old couch and out there winning business, visit or drop me a line at .

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