Steal The Time You Desire - Tips to Get Alone Time On A Group Trip

Steal The Time You Desire - Tips to Get Alone Time On A Group Trip

“I am a social person, but I need my space, sometimes to the extent of being left alone so that I can enjoy myself.”

Can you relate to that statement? Well, I totally can. I am a very introverted person who can be extroverted only amidst the closest of friends. So, yes, kind of ambivert! And this particular nature makes me want to steal some alone time even when I am out on a trip with a group of friends.

I am sure that if you’re anything like me, you’ve had that urge as well to leave everyone and take your own path, at least for a few hours. But how do you get yourself detached from a group you’re on a tour with?

Well, it’s certainly difficult, but it’s not at all impossible. Let me share a very quick and brief cheat sheet to help you steal your special “ME TIME” on your group trip.

  1. Get in the bed quite late and get out of the bed quite early. At early morning and late night hours, the others in your group would still be sleeping and you’d get the time with yourself.
  2. Take a walk or choose cycling while others are taking vehicles to reach a certain destination at just a few kilometres distance.
  3. Leverage the time you get in car, bus, train, or flights. Such time will obviously keep you alone from a mental perspective but you could still be with yourself, reading a book or tuning into some music, etc.
  4. Stay in at times when others are out and around. This way you can get time with yourself, even if it’s just you in your hotel room.
  5. Get a personal room so that you don’t have to keep up with others and can be alone in your room for some time, even if that’s only for a few moments.

These are just a few little things that you can do for managing your time on your group trip. It doesn’t hurt to detach yourself a bit from other on your trip if it means that you’re being comfortable with yourself.

With these tricks you can have alone time while not being rude to others. So, try them out and let me know how these tricks worked out for you.


Happy Travelling!



