The Steady Path to Leadership Excellence
Gemma Rolstone
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Achieving leadership excellence is no easy task. As well as requiring sheer grit and determination, becoming a leader that your employees, partners and shareholders admire and respect takes a huge amount of patience and time. If you’re an entrepreneur or business manager with ambitions to become an excellent leader, we’ve put together a few top tips for you:
1. Leadership excellence requires unrivalled commitment
If you want to reach the top echelons of the business world, you need to understand that leadership excellence is an active choice that requires unwavering dedication. Indeed, you will need to do your absolute best at every task you undertake, including those that may seem a little superficial or mundane.
Attention to detail is your secret weapon, and excellent leaders never settle for second best. Of course, it would be unrealistic to expect leaders to perfectly carry off every business-related task that falls at their desk. In this way, excellent leaders must learn how to delegate effectively. Relinquishing control of certain tasks can be difficult, particularly if you like things to be done your way, but learning how to delegate jobs to the right employees will demonstrate your commitment to business success.
2. You will need to be consistent in your work and temperament
Consistency is a fundamental quality for those hoping to achieve leadership excellence. A consistent work schedule, for example, will help to ensure that you put enough time into your role to cover necessary tasks and keep things running smoothly. It will also stop you from going overboard, burning yourself out and letting down employees that need your help.
Maintaining a consistent attitude and temperament is also a must. Indeed, if you display erratic behaviours or tend to change your mind on a whim, your employees will find it difficult to trust you. If you struggle to maintain a consistent mood, it may be worth attempting some mindfulness techniques.
3. Remember that leadership excellence is a journey, not a destination
Every leader makes mistakes, and it is important to realise that these errors can help you to thrive and grow. Leadership excellence is not something that can simply be attained. Rather, it requires continual striving to develop your business and employees.