std::execution, previously known as executors or Senders/Receivers, provides “a Standard C++ framework for managing asynchronous execution on generic execution resources“. (P2300R10 )
Side Note
Change of plans. My original plan was to present the C++26 library after the core language. However, the implementation status of the library is not good enough. Therefore, I decided to continue with concurrency and std::execution. I will present the remaining C++26 features if a compiler implements them.std::execution
std::execution has three key abstractions: schedulers, senders, and receivers, and a set of customizable asynchronous algorithms. My presentation of std::execution is based on the proposal P2300R10 .
First Experiments
I used stdexec for my first experiments. This reference implementation from NVIDIA is based on the eighth revision of the proposal. The purpose of this experiment can be found on GitHub.
#include <stdexec/execution.hpp>
#include <exec/static_thread_pool.hpp>
int main()
// Declare a pool of 3 worker threads:
exec::static_thread_pool pool(3);
// Get a handle to the thread pool:
auto sched = pool.get_scheduler();
// Describe some work:
// Creates 3 sender pipelines that are executed concurrently by passing to `when_all`
// Each sender is scheduled on `sched` using `on` and starts with `just(n)` that creates a
// Sender that just forwards `n` to the next sender.
// After `just(n)`, we chain `then(fun)` which invokes `fun` using the value provided from `just()`
// Note: No work actually happens here. Everything is lazy and `work` is just an object that statically
// represents the work to later be executed
auto fun = [](int i) { return i*i; };
auto work = stdexec::when_all(
stdexec::starts_on(sched, stdexec::just(0) | stdexec::then(fun)),
stdexec::starts_on(sched, stdexec::just(1) | stdexec::then(fun)),
stdexec::starts_on(sched, stdexec::just(2) | stdexec::then(fun))
// Launch the work and wait for the result
auto [i, j, k] = stdexec::sync_wait(std::move(work)).value();
// Print the results:
std::printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, k);
Let me convert this program into the revision 10 syntax. You can also try it out on godbolt .
The program begins by including the necessary headers: <exec/static_thread_pool.hpp> for creating a thread pool, <stdexec/execution.hpp> for execution-related utilities.
In the main function, a static_thread_pool pool is created with 8 threads. The thread pool executes tasks concurrently. The get_scheduler member function of the thread pool is called to obtain a scheduler object sched. The schedule schedules the tasks on the thread pool.
The lambda function fun takes an integer i as input and returns its square (i * i). This lambda is applied to the input values in the subsequent tasks.
The stdexec::when_all function creates a task that waits for the completion of multiple sub-tasks. Each sub-task is created using the stdexec::starts_on function, which schedules the task on the specified scheduler sched. The stdexec::just function creates a task that produces a single value (0, 1, or 2), and the stdexec::then function is used to apply the fun lambda to this value. The resulting task object is named work.
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The stdexec::sync_wait function is then called to wait for the completion of the task synchronously. The std::move function transfers ownership of the work task to sync_wait. The value member function is called on the result of sync_wait to obtain the values produced by the sub-tasks. These values are unpacked into the variables i, j, and k.
Finally, the program prints the values of i, j, and k to the console using std::printf. These values represent the squares of 0, 1, and 2, respectively.
The following screenshot shows the execution of the program on the Compiler Explorer:
I wrote at the beginning of this post that std::execution has three key abstractions: schedulers, senders, and receivers, and a set of customizable asynchronous algorithms. Let me clarify these abstractions:
Execution resources
Scheduler: sched
Sender describes work: when_all, starts_on, just, then
Receiver stops the workflow: sync_wait
What’s Next?
After this introduction, I will dive deeper into the set of customizable asynchronous algorithms and preset further examples.
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