Staying Silent Isn't Staying Neutral!

Staying Silent Isn't Staying Neutral!

*The opinions I express in this article are my own and do not reflect the views or opinions of my firm.

Take a Stand Already!

Companies and Law Firms Cannot Stay Silent as Violent Thugs Plot to Overthrow the U.S. Government

Just over a week ago on January 6th, violent thugs and frothing-at-the-mouth white supremacists vandalized our Capitol while chanting death threats to leaders of both political parties, including Vice President Pence. A week later, I am still shaking.

Six people died and these groups have no plans to back down. I'm really not sure who in the federal government is in charge of securing the Capitol, let alone the entire country. And that scares the hell out of me.

Some law firms want to remain neutral even after both Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R. KY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D. CA) publically condemned last week's seditious and deadly takeover of the U.S. Capitol calling it an insurrection, an attempted coup.

The FBI continues to work nonstop with local law enforcement across the country to identify and arrest these criminals while trying to prevent future attacks. These groups have made it very clear that they have no plans to stop organizing or escalating their violence. And, in perhaps one of the most disturbing developments, we are learning that the riots could have been an "inside job." NPR reports:

Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J., claimed during a Facebook Live broadcast Tuesday evening that some Republicans in Congress had given groups a "reconnaissance" tour of the Capitol ahead of the insurrection.

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D - N.J.) is a former U.S. Navy helicopter pilot and federal prosecutor. She was trained to always be on alert for something dangerous or even slightly out of order. She knows what the signs are but has not named names or accused anyone while the investigation is ongoing.

How can anyone think a takeover of our government isn't objectionable?

What exactly is "partisan" about supporting our Democracy or condemning violence? Law firms and companies must condemn these violent acts of sedition and continuing attempts and plans to overthrow the U.S. Government.

When Is Enough, Enough?

What will it take for an organization to take a stand? Every day, more and more companies denounce the insurrection and the insurrectionists. Major corporations across America have suspended donations to PACs, all politicians, or at least those involved with objecting to the electoral vote count and cut ties to Trump companies and enablers. For whatever reason they've chosen to speak out, it's better than staying silent. Yahoo!News reports that:

Major companies across America have already cut ties with Trump, including fintech Stripe, micromobility startup Lime, and a handful of the President's banking partners: Deutsche Bank, Professional Bank, and Signature Bank.

Additionally, many organizations are firing or investigating employees who participated in in storming the Capitol. Our firm posted a blog about an employer's right to fire these employees.

Each news-hour, another backstory emerges about one hate group or another that enrages and unpleasantly enlightens us about how horribly-emboldened and deeply-embedded these domestic terrorists are. Thankfully, someone with more brains than Chad Wolf (Acting Director at the Department of Homeland Security who resigned on 11 January 2020) saved the content on Parler before Amazon finally took the site down. Parler is the social media site most of these right-wing terrorists used to organize, air grievances, and plot whatever bad thing they wanted to do.

Others captured the Twitter, Facebook, and other social media posts of these bragging seditionists who were too stupid to realize that these posts would eventually lead to their arrests. This invasion by all measures, including the words of the mob members who carried it out, was an attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government and the will of the people to keep Trump in office.

It's time for everyone to condemn this mob and its actions. What will it take for everyone else to denounce both?

Are Police Officer Resignations and Deaths Enough?

The Chief of the Capitol Police Department would not have resigned and, the two Seargent-at-Arms in both houses of Congress would not have agreed to resign when asked by leaders from both parties if this was a mere expression of peaceful protest.

As of today, two officers have died defending the United States Senate and House members and everyone who works inside the Capitol. Brian Sicknick, a military veteran was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher. Howard Leibengood died later by suicide after responding to the insurrection. This week, disturbing footage emerged showing the mob dragging a third officer down a flight of stairs and then beating him or her with an American flag. We do not know the identity of this officer.

Business Insider reported that the Chief of the Capitol Police claimed to have called for reinforcements five times. Whether this turns out to be true is beside the point. What's most alarming is that he admitted he was extremely concerned about mob violence and his department's inability to control it, only days earlier. The various hate groups comprising this mob planned and organized in plain sight on social media picked up on even the lowest levels of government intelligence and public platforms.

Are we not Moved to Action by Senators and Representatives Fearing for Their Lives?

We listened to politicians from both parties who revealed that they are afraid that they will be killed for either voting "yea" on impeachment or for speaking out against the mob's violence. While many Democrats lived with that fear for five years already, no one serving our country in government from any political party should live in fear in the United States of America. Vox reports:

There is a disturbing reason Republicans in Congress are giving for refusing to break with President Donald Trump: They fear for their lives.
According to Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO), this is a major reason why more House Republicans aren’t voting to impeach Donald Trump in the wake of the attack on the Capitol.
“The majority of them are paralyzed with fear,” Crow said in a Wednesday MSNBC appearance. “I had a lot of conversations with my Republican colleagues last night, and a couple of them broke down in tears — saying that they are afraid for their lives if they vote for this impeachment.”
Tim Alberta, Politico’s chief political correspondent, found in his own reporting that “Crow was right.”

This is what autocrats do. This is what mobs do. They instill fear in the people so that they don't trust the democratic systems in place or the people who implement them. Now, the politicians themselves live in fear of simply doing their jobs.

Are Reports in the Business-Friendly Wall Street Journal Enough?

The conservative-leaning Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reports that two major banks and several large corporations are pulling their PAC donations to either Republicans or both Republicans and Democrats until further notice. "Other companies, including the Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance group and Marriott International Inc., said they would pause donations to Republican lawmakers who objected to President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College win after supporters of President Trump stormed the Capitol on Wednesday."

The WSJ also reported:

  • The company that processes credit card payments for the Trump campaign website, Stripe, stopped processing payments.
  • Another Capitol Police office died by suicide over the weekend.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) kicks Parler off of its web-hosting site and basically shuts down one of the alt-right's main social media platforms.
  • Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram disabled Trump's accounts and those of groups discussing anti-government strategies or violence.

While there are plenty of other mainstream and so-called liberal media reports on the same events, I link to the WSJ articles to make a point: That even typically-conservative media believe we have a major problem here.

Are Documented Threats of Imminent Additional Attacks by Known Hate Groups Enough?

As I write this, Capitol law enforcement officers are bracing for even greater problems at the inauguration and beyond. I greatly fear for the safety of our leaders of all parties. I encourage everyone to publically stand against this.

Two organizations that work tirelessly to monitor hate groups are the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in Montgomery, Alabama, and the Anti-Defamation League in Washington, D.C. The SPLC's Hatewatch blog notes that the conservative alternative to Twitter played a central role for these right-wing groups in organizing, recruiting, and executing the attack on the Capitol. The published excerpts from Parler accounts are at a minimum, disturbing.

What I just learned from the SPLC blog is that the conservative founders of Cambridge Analytica (remember that story?) and the Mercer family are major financial backers of Parler and, Robert Mercer was a founder of the platform. Hatewatch describes Parler as "[a] ‘free speech’ app backed by dark money donors":

Parler was founded in 2018 as a conservative alternative to Twitter. But its funding structure remained a bit of a mystery until Rebekah Mercer – a prominent conservative donor whose father, Robert Mercer, founded the now-defunct data analysis company Cambridge Analytica – was revealed to be one of the site’s founders and main backers in late 2020. Dan Bongino, a right-wing media personality, also acquired a major ownership stake in the company in summer 2020. The Mercers have also been revealed to be financial backers of Breitbart News.

SPLC explains how these hate groups are continuing to call for the overthrow of the U.S. Government and contend "modern society is irredeemable and offers up an apocalyptic race war as its sole savior."

How About Rampant Antisemitism Among the Hate Groups Involved in the Seige?

While the groups involved in storming the Capitol comprise a mixed bag of toxic dirt and embrace a variety of poisonous conspiracy theories, they hold a common belief that Jews control the federal government and that the U.S. indulges Israel. While one may certainly criticize Israel and the treatment of the Palestinian people without being antisemitic, hero-worshipping Hitler, praising the death camps, and denying the Holocaust is truly horrifying. The ADL notes:

Video taken of pro-Trump extremists inside the Capitol building showed a man wearing a hoodie with the words “Camp Auschwitz” written across the chest on top of an image of a skull with crossbones having been replaced with boat paddles. According to a report, the back of the hoodie read, “Staff.” The hoodie appears to have been produced by AryanWear, a defunct Texas-based purveyor of white supremacist merchandise, selling a broad variety of all types of items emblazoned with symbols and slogans, including the infamous swastika soled combat boots.

The ADL also describes the aftermath: "In the hours since pro-Trump extremists stormed the U.S. Capitol building, antisemitic ideologues, activists and conspiracy theorists have attempted to implicate Jews and Zionists in the violence. Although these antisemites have a range of opinions about President Trump, many were united in their belief that the events of Wednesday, January 6, 2021, were either planned by Jews or revealed the extent of Jewish and Zionist influence over the American democratic system."

You may also have seen the photos and video of one of the seditionists wearing a Camp Auschwitz hoodie with the English translation of the infamous Nazi concentration camp's motto printed on it. Thankfully, this poor excuse for a human being has been identified and arrested. This anti-semite was one person comprising a mob of like-minded losers.

Who supports this behavior? These people embrace Nazi hate ideology.

CBSNews notes:

In a criminal complaint unsealed Wednesday, an FBI agent wrote that the shirt "appears to be a symbol of Nazi hate ideology." It was one of a number of anti-Semitic symbols and messages seen during the Capitol riots that experts view as part of a disturbing nationwide trend, reports The Associated Press. 

What Effect Does Taking A Stand Have?

I'm interested to know how you feel about this and would love to read your comments.

When I decide which businesses to patronize, I try to determine a company's position on social justice issues that are important to me. If I disagree with them, I usually move on to the company that is a better fit. With a little digging and intuition, looking at the web pages of the organization, and considering what they don't say, as much as what they do say, I can usually get a good feel for what they stand for.

One thing I will never buy is a My Pillow product. The founder and CEO, Mike Lindell of Minnesota has been a staunch supporter of the Trump administration policies. Not only do I personally disagree with the Trump administration's policies, they directly and negatively affect my clients' lives.

Lindell continues to support Trump even in the aftermath of the insurrection. In fact, even on the day of the insurrection, My Pillow offered a discount code "FIGHT FOR TRUMP." This company is not getting one dime of my money.

Consider these questions when responding to this article:

  1. Do clients choose their lawyers, or remain loyal to a law firm when the firm's social conscience matches their own?
  2. Do potential employees evaluate a firm's response, or lack of response, to social justice issues?
  3. Should a firm have a soul, a conscience, regardless of its size? What should comprise it?

Death, Murder, Sedition: Not Partisan Topics.

I'm disappointed, at minimum, that some people believe that making a statement to condemn these acts of violence will upset customers and clients, who apparently believe that the election isn't over--that the attempt to take over our country isn't worthy of a simple statement condemning a criminal, traitorous act of violence. Our role as lawyers, after all, is to support and operate within the rule of law that is the key to a functioning civil society and American Democracy.

By worrying about losing Trump-supporting clients, and saying nothing, silence and "neutrality" send a message to clients and employees who do support democracy and peaceful protest, who are appalled and frightened by what these thugs are capable of in the future, and who really do care that the organizations and businesses they patronize or work for reflect their values.

That is not staying neutral.

If a firm worries only about retaining clients when making these decisions to remain neutral on political issues, what greater effect does that have? Portending neutrality as a reason to avoid standing up against injustice and lawlessness, is not acceptable. Neither, is it neutral.

Swiss neutrality financed the deaths of over six million people. German citizens' silence allowed the idea of a Third Reich to flourish under Hitler. I could go on.

But God, help us if we truly believe being neutral is the noble choice in this environment.

Sonseere Henton Goldenberg, Esq.

Immigration Attorney ? Providing Global Employment, NIW, H-IB, PERM, Self-Petitions, E-1, E-2, L-1, Health Care, Physician, and Family Immigration Legal Services

4 年

I just learned that General Russel L. Honoré will be in charge of investigating the Capitol security breaches during the #terroristattack on the Capitol last week. I think Speaker Nancy Pelosi made an incredibly brilliant choice asking him to head up this inquiry and provide his recommendations.



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