Staying Put and NOT liking it!
Orlando Burgos
Host/Producer/Journalist/Actor/Travel Guru/Radio Show Host/Destinations Marketing and PR Expertise
The COVID 19 virus has come and up-ended lifestyles all around the world. From personal disasters, to business downturns, this virus has been catastrophic, no doubt, but now the time to start getting our acts together is getting closer and we need to be realistic. Some industries are already taking steps to move forward in order to reverse their economic woes, however, there is one particular segment in the business world that sadly very seldom changes; and/or, is always very slow to take positive action - I am talking of the HOSPITALITY and TOURISM BUSINESS, including the many related services and providers.; As a forty plus year veteran of the travel industry, I have heard and seen every bit of reasoning and excuses, but now that I am moving more into another field - Broadcasting and Content Production, I see more clearly than ever that what I have suspected throughout these years is very much true; and it saddens me. Perplexed yet? Not difficult to understand where I'm going with this...
Being part of the business of travel is one of the most wonderful and exciting journeys any human being can take. It is without a doubt - rewarding, enriching, energizing and the creator of happy times. It opens the minds eye to many differences that most have taken for granted. It opens the senses to different languages, foods, traditions that ave been there for a long time; and that will soon be available to the wondering minds to take the steps to go see first and how wonderful our world happens to be, but there is one necessary first step that needs to be accepted - Most tourist boards, hotels, airlines, cruise operators, service providers, restaurants, food suppliers and the list goes on and on, rely mostly on pushing the same information - Trust me, regardless of the place, the information is almost verbatim - the same, via emails, Facebook, LinkedIn,and any social media, all directed to the travel agency/agents; which is fine, but it really needs to be realized that my beloved travel agents and agencies are in the same boat as everyone else - ALL require the business to start flowing; and the reality everyone seems to shy away from is that business flows from the consumer; and the consumer is scared, because most are glued to the 24 hour bad news networks that only report doom and gloom. The consumer needs to start hearing a positive message. They need to be informed that "WE WILL BE ALRIGHT!" That "YES, ALL WILL BE GOOD SOON!" and that there will be a return to normal in the not too distant future. Regardless of size, the agency business, nor the destinations have the reach to deliver the message in a very large scale. I happen to have that ability of reaching millions and I would like to share it with the industry and if interested, please read on...
The fact is that spreading the news will require investment into mass information outlets, plus unity of purpose from all segments to ease the minds of the people. Air carriers need visibility beyond the nice shinny airplanes, destinations need to ease the concerns by letting consumers know what it's going on with their hotels, attractions and gastronomy. Consumers need to feel the vibe coming their way like a massive wave of good fortune. This is the time for a bold experiment that involved a large segment of business entities capable of fund sharing to make a push to reach millions of eager ears waiting for good news. I have just that for those that want to hear more. My production company has the reach and resources to put news everywhere in the world via a well designed network of networks that can reach the same messaging in a friendly welcoming manner that says - "I AM NOT AFRAID -. FREEDOM IS MY RIGHT!", while at the same time sharing information of how to best enjoy the new found freedom in heavily recommended safety information.
Some time from now, it will be but forgotten and business will resume as usual, mistakes will be made and corrected within the daily flow, but for now we need to think completely different. Every industry needs to support others related. Together we will beat this bug and send it to burn in the sun. Today, I am a broadcaster, a travel agent, a restaurateur, an airline a cruise line, a hotel chain, the world's destinations, the travel press. Today I am all of you in the hospitality business. The time is now to start thinking about feeding the world; and the world is fed by doing business... We need to talk to the consumer with one voice.
Let's join our efforts, grow our team. Let's make it happen sooner than later! We can do something wonderful and save money in the process. What is there to not like? Everyone interested can send a personal message worldwide.
Orlando Burgos - Host/Producer/Photo-Journalist can be reached at [email protected] or, [email protected]
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