Staying Informed and Connected: Resources to Help Navigate Work and Coronavirus

Staying Informed and Connected: Resources to Help Navigate Work and Coronavirus

The world of work has changed dramatically in the last few weeks. The coronavirus epidemic has prompted people to seek trusted news sources and facts; companies to ask employees to work from home; organizations to cancel major events, from Mobile World Congress to SXSW; and industries, businesses and supply chains to face very real challenges

In times like these, we take our job as the world’s professional network very seriously. We’ve moved quickly to use our platform to bring trusted news and facts to members, like broadcasting WHO updates live daily; we’ve scaled our events platforms to enable companies to reach audiences virtually; and we’ve unlocked learning courses and resources that help professionals be productive and successful.

Underlying everything, we remain the professional community that helps people adjust and thrive in a different normal.

Our global team of 60-plus LinkedIn editors are curating news and perspectives about the coronavirus from trusted sources. This includes insights on the impact on the economy, how companies are respondingnew policies that are being put in place, and best practices for people and companies adjusting how they work. 

We’ve also created a new section in the feed -- Trending News -- to feature reliable updates from experts, including the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that is available in 54 countries and 9 languages.

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If you are using our search functionality to find information about the coronavirus, you’ll find a new trusted information section curated by our editorial team at the top of the page. All this information is also featured in the Daily Rundown we send to members in 96 countries in 9 languages. It’s an easy way for you to get top news of the day. 

We know people are looking for information on this dynamic environment and sharing how they’re adapting to it. Searches on LinkedIn for #WFH and #RemoteWork have increased significantly over the last several weeks. This is a great place to start if you’re looking for tips or best practices from your community on how to transition effectively from traditional office to a remote work setup

We’re also seeing organizations starting to use LinkedIn Live to share updates in real-time. We’ve seen companies take their in-person gatherings virtual, including Chanel, which streamed its runway show on LinkedIn Live, and the World Health Organization, which did it’s first LinkedIn Live Q&A on mental health. You can discover a live video stream from your homepage feed or through your notifications.

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We have also made 16 Linkedin Learning courses available for free including tips on how to: stay productive, build relationships when you’re not face-to-face, use virtual meeting tools (Microsoft Teams, Skype, BlueJeans, Cisco Webex and Zoom), and balance family and work dynamics in a healthy way. 

We’ll keep moving quickly to make sure we are helping you get information you can trust and are able to stay connected to your community. While the world of work is changing, sharing perspectives and having conversations on related topics not only helps others who are looking for advice, but also serves as a reminder that we’re not alone in working through these challenges. 

Ryan Roslansky : Could you explain why the moderators of linkedin are allowing a lot of fake news spreaders to comment all kind of fake stuff on linkedin? While reporting such comments, I'm usually receiving a message saying "did not go against our policy". See examples from today and older ones When raising tickets, the feeling is that the people working on the tickets know less about linkedin then I do. Can't find the reports, don't understand English, having little clue about culture outside their home country, unable to understand why some things are fake or harmful. Glorifying communist regime in Romania, xenophobia is fine for Linkedin, see This makes that all the documents you post here on the Coronavirus topic become irrelevant. Unless you train your moderators to understand such issues, linkedin gradually becomes a non-professional network such as facebook.

Truong Nhut

ok at Agencia de Colocación de Paterna no 1000000034

3 å¹´

Hihi..helle..good nike

Oldemilson Cézar

Escritor criativo | Administra??o e Negócios

4 å¹´

O NEGACIONISMO. Cézar. é fácil negar o desconhecido, quando a doen?a altamente contagiosa é causada por um vírus e na seara da nega??o e do desconhecimento, onde as popula??es menos favorecidas ser?o as mais penalizadas e totalmente alheia a importancia da reclus?o social. Na sua totalidade depender?o de uma ajuda emergencial do governo e que letargicamente n?o se importa com esta popula??o que depender?o além da ajuda financeira à ajuda médica e comunica??o sobre a doen?a. Fique em casa, o Coronavírus mata. Tanto a OMS - Organiza??o Mundial da Saúde, assim como o Ministério da Saúde, vem preconizando o isolamento social, lavar as m?os e usar máscara. Como tantos outros procedimentos que facilmente foram adotados pela popula??o e que em vários lugares do mundo deram certo. Entretanto, alguns líderes mundiais vem na contra m?o e preconizam o negacionismo levando a popula??o a desobediência dos saberes da OMS e congêneres quanto a forma correta de se proteger. Seguindo esta linha de raciocínio. Logo, logo veremos o sistema de saúde entrar em colapso e consequentemente assistiremos estarrecidos muitas mortes que poderiam serem evitadas. Além do contágio dos profissionais da linha de frente, como: Médicos, enfermeiros, anestesistas, maqueiros, motoristas e etc. Veremos também o pico de contágio da popula??o elevando a óbito em escala imensurável e onde faltar?o profissionais, respiradores, maquinários e até covas nos cemitérios. Onde veremos corpos serem empilhados em camaras frigoríficas, espalhados e amontoados nos cal?ad?es. Sempre tivemos pandemias e aprendemos muito com a Gripe Espanhola e nos fortaleceremos muito mais com o Coronavírus. Assim como os líderes mundiais negacionistas que, com a sua vis?o econ?mica em produzir mais em detrimento da?própria vida. Veremos verdadeiros genocidas sendo aclamado pelo próprio povo e impune as leis. A pandemia mudará a nossa sociedade e teremos um novo olhar e como deveremos nos comportar de agora em diante como grupo social.

Asik Mahmud

Digital Marketing Manager at Outsocurcing institute

5 å¹´ I am seo, Digital Marketer, Social Media Marketer. I have professional skills in Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing LinkBuilding, Google Top. I can promote any business, product, or organization to millions of people globally any specific location or targeted customers. I’m also an expert in web content creation and other related Jobs. I have completed long Time Training on Digital Marketing from Outsourcing Institute & CoderstrustBD. I attend many practical projects. I am very passionate about my work and always try to give my best. Thank you


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