Staying Hydrated In Summer
Mrs Carole Astin
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The importance of staying hydrated
Water makes up two-thirds of our body. It is vital we drink enough fluid to maintain a healthy balance. Many people get dehydrated by not drinking enough fluid or by losing fluids and not replacing them.
Good hydration prevents
urinary tract infections (UTIs)
dizziness that can lead to falls
kidney stones
pressure ulcers/skin conditions
poor health.
Who is at risk of dehydration?
Anyone can become dehydrated, but some groups are particularly at risk. These include: babies and infants – who have low body weight and are sensitive to even small amounts of fluid loss
older people – may be less aware that they are becoming dehydrated and need to keep drinking fluids
people with a long-term health conditions – such as diabetes or alcoholism
athletes – can lose a large amount of body fluid through sweat when exercising for long periods
Good hydration is important for all age groups and is something for everyone to consider.
What are the signs and symptoms of dehydration?
Signs of dehydration are visible in your urine. Dark and strong-smelling urine is a clear sign that you need to drink more fluids.
Other symptoms of dehydration include –
pain when urinating (UTIs)
dry mouth, lips, or eyes
lack of concentration
If dehydration is left untreated, it can become severe. Severe dehydration is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms of severe dehydration include -
feeling unusually tired (lethargic) or confused
not passing urine for eight hours
a weak pulse
a rapid pulse
fits (seizures)
a low level of consciousness
If severe dehydration is not treated immediately it can lead to complications such as secondary UTI symptoms (e.g E. coli bloodstream infections similar to sepsis) and falls due to dizziness. Severe dehydration can be life-threatening, particularly for older people.
How can you stay hydrated?
You should drink plenty of fluids such as water, diluted squash, and fruit juice to stay hydrated. The key is to drink regularly throughout the day (at least 6-8 mugs).
If you're active, or if the weather is particularly hot, there's a greater risk that you will become dehydrated. To stay hydrated, you should increase your fluid intake.
If you, your child, or someone you are caring for is ill, particularly with a fever, vomiting, or diarrhoea, there's a high risk of becoming dehydrated, so it's important to start replacing the fluid as soon as possible.
If you are finding it difficult to keep water down because you're vomiting, try drinking small amounts at a time to stay hydrated.
Remember you can always use the urine colour chart to monitor your hydration levels.
Carole Astin
Medical Content |Writer