Life is full of ups and down, people go about life as though the end has come and this is really affecting them. The most pathetic aspect of the show is that, not only do friends, family and foes have unrealistic expectation from you, but you are often hard on yourself and you have unfair expectation from yourself. Life is too short for you to live so miserable, there are tested secrets of happiness and I like to share with you today.
1. Happiness is a choice, make up your mind to be happy no matter what the situation looks like, your sadness can not change anything.
2. Accept yourself, but do something about the situation
3. Be thankful for where you are. You may not have everything, but you do not lack everything.
4. That job may not really satisfy you, do it diligently while you are looking for a job of your choice
5. Not everybody will like you, stop stressing yourself about the boss. Do your job and do it diligently, sometimes you get the reward unexpectedly, not from that job alone
6. Be contended, do not compare yourself with others, we all have various destinations in life and we will get there at difference pace
7. Do not borrow or get a loan to buy liability. Live within your means
8. Save and invest
9. Avoid gossip, backbiters are backward people
10. Do not steal credit of your subordinate, recommend people, if they have really worked hard. Their hardwork should not be by your standard but by that of the organization and your conscience.
11. Avoid slander. Don't break others to make yourself
12. Sow a seed of happiness always. The CEO shout on the Manager, manager transfer the venom to the driver, driver in turn to Cleaner, cleaner spit on the security and security ends it on the dog and the dog in turn takes it out on the flies…that is life. One miserable unhappy fellow will transfer it to everyone around. From the CEO to the gardener, learn to treat people well. Ask about their look, take time to look at the cleaner and say well done ma. Life is better when the work place is friendlier.