Staying Creative (and Sane) in Uncertain Times
Matthew Manos
Associate Professor & Associate Dean, USC Iovine and Young Academy. Founder, verynice.
Last week, we asked our Community Network members how they were coping with everyone’s new normal of staying home—specifically in the creativity department. We had a lot of variety in answers!
Starting with our founder, Matthew:
“I'll start. I've been using some of this time to try and finish side projects that I've been working on for a while. Over the weekend, aside from prepping all of my classes, I put a good 16-20 hours in on a video I've been meaning to edit for a project verynice was funded to do. Did it need that much time? Definitely not. I went overboard, but it was fun. It was going to be in an exhibition, but that was canceled, so now the work has to be displayed virtually. Thus the urge to make something great that is digital. Excited to share more soon.”
The following are some insights from our community!
“I started focusing on improving some skills like photography and playing guitar. Also just doing my the necessary work is important. In these times we can feel like there is no accountability or consequences. I feel like that. Like I don’t have to work out or do specific work tasks, etc. I found it is important to just push myself to do it. It doesn’t always work, but it keeps me sane.”
“Definitely a time to go back to past projects. I'm trying to get back to writing and reading as well as enjoying the quiet moments.”
“What's a skill that you've always wanted to learn, but told yourself ‘I don't have the time for this’? I've always wanted to learn how to code so I'm taking a HTML class on CodeAcademy.”
“Doing everything that one month ago you were saying ‘I don't have time for this right now, I'll do it later.’ Now is later.”
“I scheduled daily walks on my calendar to get me to take breaks, stay active and get some inspiration. 15-30 min walks around my house and some great music in headphones with taking the necessary precautions of course and not to get close to anyone. I have also been working on editing my side project. Educational and documentary short videos on experience design and what it means to be an experience designer!”
“I’ve been really enjoying my record collection at home and building some custom playlists has been an inspiration for me. I also am excited about having more time to draw again so hopefully I’ll be able to create some side projects.”
“I have a lot of art books I never look at and just sit on my coffee table for decoration, I looked through a couple today and was so reinspired! Shared them with my team and they shared back”
“I am setting one work related goal for each day— it is keeping me moving on current projects. My business is still humming along— except for the travel/speaking— so I still have clients to serve. I am making time to exercise each day.”
“To keep creative, I'm doing an ‘extra’ activity every day at home, like cooking (I made some pizzas the other day), painting (currently working on an astronaut in a canvas), and yesterday I shaved my head!!! (Hahaha I am not going crazy, I was just tired of looking all messy in all my conference calls)”
“I am starting a journal entry every morning to set the stage for my day. When work is done, I try to demarcate it with some ritual like sitting down and talking to my family to turn that part of me off.”
“Go Off Leash: Plan and stick to fixed periods without digital. An hour away from phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, for example, a few times a day.
Fight Entropy: Some time explicitly devoted to tidying up the house and/or your workspace.”
So you’re stuck working from home, and aren’t sure how to stay productive… You’re in luck: This is the toolkit for you. Make It Remote is written based on over a decade of experience managing remote teams. Download today!
Inside, you’ll find resources for both business leaders and team members, including:
- A comprehensive road map for implementing a remote working approach in your business.
- A step-by-step guide to creating your own remote work policy.
- Suggested tools and resources for working remotely.
- Tips and tricks for time management, remote meeting facilitation, and more!
Even better? For every download we get between now and April 5th, we’ll donate a meal to someone in need (up to 10,000 meals in total!). ALSO (!) if you do choose to donate when you download, we’ll share 50% of the proceeds with food banks and organizations focused on water, sanitation, and hygiene.
Finally, we also have a special edition for teachers and students! If that is you, check out the toolkit here.