Staying on the course...
I really appreciate the role of the professional woman. Her struggle has been and remains real. Many people argue that women of today do not have struggles, not compared to our ancestors, but centuries later women are still fighting a silent war! They still want to be heard, to have their seats in those boardrooms. The women who have been able to sit there, managed to do it because they brought their OWN chairs!
I have had my share of disappointment in the past. There are times I waited for someone to notice me, sadly they did not. There are times I wanted to present that brilliant idea, sadly it never saw the light of day, it died a premature death in the factory of my mind. However, one thing i realised was that, sometimes you have to just be bold and claim your space. No matter how hard it gets, if you want space on the table you have to fight for it and be prepared to stay on the course no matter what!
All the women who have made it this far will tell you that they stayed on the course, they did not let the storm drown them, rather they used the turbulance to push themselves forward!