Staying Ahead: Why Forward-Thinking Companies Are Embracing GNNs and LLMs
Gabriel Rojas
Problem Finder | Product & AI Innovator | Leading the Charge in AI-Based Product Strategies
In today's data-driven world, staying ahead means leveraging cutting-edge technologies. Two exciting innovations - Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Graph Retrieval-Augmented Generation (Graph-RAG) - are poised to transform how we handle complex relational data in Human Capital Management (HCM) and payroll systems.
What are GNNs and Graph-RAG?
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are advanced machine learning models designed to work with graph-structured data. They excel at learning patterns and relationships within interconnected data points. Graph Retrieval-Augmented Generation (Graph-RAG) combines graph databases with natural language processing to enable sophisticated querying and information retrieval from graph-structured data.
Why Human Capital Management (HCM) and Payroll Companies Should Care
GNN vs Graph-RAG: When to Use Which?
Use Case GNN Graph-RAG
Employee churn prediction ?
Team performance analysis ?
Career path recommendation ? ?
Compensation analysis ? ?
Natural language HR queries ?
Real-time org chart updates ?
Multi-factor policy compliance ?
Node classification ?
Link prediction ?
Graph classification ?
Anomaly detection in networks ?
Molecular property prediction ?
Social network analysis ?
Traffic prediction ?
Recommendation systems ? ?
Knowledge graph completion ? ?
Question answering on structured data. ?
Complex relationship queries ?
Real-time information retrieval ?
Natural language generation with graph context?
Dynamic graph updates and queries ?
Explainable AI in graph-based systems ?
Multi-hop reasoning on knowledge graphs ?
Graph-based chatbots ?
Fraud detection in financial networks? ?
Drug discovery ? ?
Personalized content generation ?
Benefits for HCM and Payroll Companies
By exploring and implementing GNNs and Graph-RAG, HCM and payroll companies can unlock new levels of insight and efficiency in their operations. These technologies offer the potential to transform raw data into strategic assets, driving better decision-making and more personalized HR management.
I encourage you to start exploring these technologies today. The future of HCM is graph-based, and the time to prepare is now!
Sample Code
If you are interested how to get started with GNN, the code below uses a combination of creating, Graph, train a GNN model and use of GPT-4 for NLP.
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv
from import Data
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import openai
# Step 1: Create a sample payroll graph
def create_payroll_graph():
G = nx.Graph()
employees = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve"]
departments = ["HR", "IT", "Finance", "Marketing"]
positions = ["Manager", "Developer", "Analyst", "Coordinator"]
salary_ranges = ["40k-60k", "60k-80k", "80k-100k", "100k+"]
for emp in employees:
G.add_node(emp, type="employee")
for dept in departments:
G.add_node(dept, type="department")
for pos in positions:
G.add_node(pos, type="position")
for sal in salary_ranges:
G.add_node(sal, type="salary_range")
# Add edges (simplified for demonstration)
G.add_edge("Alice", "HR")
G.add_edge("Alice", "Manager")
G.add_edge("Alice", "80k-100k")
G.add_edge("Eve", "IT")
G.add_edge("Bob", "IT")
G.add_edge("Bob", "Developer")
G.add_edge("Bob", "60k-80k")
G.add_edge("Charlie", "Marketing")
G.add_edge("David", "Marketing")
# Add more edges as needed
return G
# Step 2: Prepare graph data for PyTorch Geometric
def prepare_pyg_data(G):
node_mapping = {node: i for i, node in enumerate(G.nodes())}
edge_index = torch.tensor([[node_mapping[u], node_mapping[v]] for u, v in G.edges()]).t().contiguous()
x = torch.zeros((len(G.nodes()), 4)) # One-hot encoding for node types
for i, (node, data) in enumerate(G.nodes(data=True)):
if data['type'] == 'employee':
x[i, 0] = 1
elif data['type'] == 'department':
x[i, 1] = 1
elif data['type'] == 'position':
x[i, 2] = 1
elif data['type'] == 'salary_range':
x[i, 3] = 1
data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index)
data.original_graph = G
data.node_mapping = node_mapping
return data
# Step 3: Define GNN model
class SimpleGCN(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_node_features, hidden_channels, num_classes):
super(SimpleGCN, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = GCNConv(num_node_features, hidden_channels)
self.conv2 = GCNConv(hidden_channels, num_classes)
def forward(self, x, edge_index):
x = self.conv1(x, edge_index)
x = F.relu(x)
x = F.dropout(x,
x = self.conv2(x, edge_index)
return x
# Step 4: Training function
def train(model, data, optimizer, criterion):
out = model(data.x, data.edge_index)
loss = criterion(out, data.y)
return loss.item()
# Step 5: Retrieval function
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
language_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
def encode_text(text, tokenizer, language_model):
inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=128)
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = language_model(**inputs)
return outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1).squeeze().numpy()
query_embedding = encode_text(query, tokenizer, language_model)
print("Query Embedding:", query_embedding)
def retrieve_relevant_info(query, gnn_model, pyg_data, tokenizer, language_model, top_k=3):
query_embedding = encode_text(query, tokenizer, language_model)
with torch.no_grad():
node_embeddings = gnn_model(pyg_data.x, pyg_data.edge_index)
node_embeddings = F.softmax(node_embeddings, dim=1)
projected_embeddings = node_embeddings @ torch.randn(4, 768)
similarities = cosine_similarity([query_embedding], projected_embeddings.detach().numpy())[0]
top_indices = np.argsort(similarities)[-top_k:][::-1]
relevant_info = []
for idx in top_indices:
original_node = list(pyg_data.node_mapping.keys())[list(pyg_data.node_mapping.values()).index(idx)]
node_attributes = pyg_data.original_graph.nodes[original_node]
node_type = node_attributes['type']
if node_type == 'department' and original_node.lower() in query.lower():
employees = [n for n in pyg_data.original_graph.neighbors(original_node) if pyg_data.original_graph.nodes[n]['type'] == 'employee']
"department": original_node,
"employees": employees
return relevant_info
# Step 6: GPT integration
openai.api_key = 'sk-proj-'
def gpt_response(query, relevant_info):
formatted_info = "\n".join([f"Department: {info['department']}, Employees: {', '.join(info['employees'])}" for info in relevant_info])
prompt = f"""
Given the following query and relevant information from a graph database:
Query: "{query}"
Relevant Information:
Based on the relevant information, please provide a concise and accurate answer to the query. If the information doesn't directly answer the query, state that clearly. Here are some examples of questions:
- Who works in the IT department?
- List all employees working in the Marketing department.
- Name the employees in the HR department.
- Which employees are part of the Finance department?
Please adapt the format accordingly to provide the best possible answer.
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
model="gpt-4o", #"gpt-3.5-turbo",
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant that provides information based on graph database queries. Only use the provided information to answer queries."},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt}
return response.choices[0].message['content']
# Main execution
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create and prepare data
graph = create_payroll_graph()
pyg_data = prepare_pyg_data(graph)
pyg_data.y = torch.randint(0, 4, (pyg_data.num_nodes,)) # Random labels for demonstration
# Initialize model
model = SimpleGCN(num_node_features=4, hidden_channels=16, num_classes=4)
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# Training loop
num_epochs = 500
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
loss = train(model, pyg_data, optimizer, criterion)
if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0:
print(f'Epoch {epoch+1}/{num_epochs}, Loss: {loss:.4f}')
# Example query
query = "List all employees working in the IT department"
relevant_nodes = retrieve_relevant_info(query, model, pyg_data, tokenizer, language_model)
gpt_answer = gpt_response(query, relevant_nodes)
print(f"Query: {query}")
print("Relevant nodes:", relevant_nodes)
print("GPT Answer:", gpt_answer)
1L-Delaware Law School | HR | AVP |
4 个月I like the career path recommendations, allows employees the opportunity to grow based on their strengths