Staying Ahead of the Employee Attrition Curve
Jeffrey Deckman
International Award Winning Executive and Organizational Performance Consultant, Strategist, Author and Trainer? Leaders Hire Me To Accelerate their Transformation to Being 21st Century Ready.
Employee engagement is essential to profitability. In fact it is the single largest factor that drives performance in any and every organization. Bar none.
With that being said, according to an extensive Gallup survey almost 70% of all employees are not engaged at work. This lack of engagement Gallup estimates is costing American businesses more than $500 BILLION annually!
So how do you know if your people are engaged? How do you know what it will take to engage them? Well, the answer to both of those questions is incredibly "I could have had a V-8" simple: You ask them.
A not so simple question to answer though is: "What do I ask them?"
This white paper from DecisionWise provides you with 25 excellent questions you can ask your people that will provide you with a wealth of information on whether or not they are engaged and what could be done to increase their level of engagement and, in turn, your profit margins.
I hope this has value to you. DecisionWise
Jeffrey Deckman is an expert in helping small and medium sized organizations increase employee engagement and profitability through the use of innovative experiential processes. He is the author of The Bigger Know Principles of Conscious Leadership which will be published this spring. Contact him at [email protected]