STAY UP TO: IDEF'23 & More

STAY UP TO: IDEF'23 & More

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The ?AKA S-KUSV, a product of HAVELSAN's engineering excellence, is a multi-dimensional platform capable of operating both on the surface and underwater. Its unique design allows for stealthy, powerful strikes against surface targets, enhancing naval capabilities in Anti-Access & Area Denial (A2AD) missions.

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Successful Introduction of HAVELSAN’s C4ISR in NATO CWIX Exercise

The Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise (CWIX) performed different tasks at the joint force training centre in Bydgoszcz, Poland; with the participation of defence industry software and such system developer companies, as well as forces from many countries.

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Turkish Air Force Battle Management System was Introduced to NATO

Turkish Air Force Battle Management System, which was developed by HAVELSAN for the Turkish Air Force, with domestic resources and is considered as the best in its field; was introduced to senior NATO staff and members.

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HAVELSAN’s Unmanned Ground Vehicle BARKAN Has Entered Into TAF Inventory

HAVELSAN, which has been serving the security forces for many years with its software solutions, has added its first product -in terms of an operational platform- to the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) inventory!

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Baha Spreads Its Wings to Africa

Following the unmanned ground vehicle BARKAN’s entrance into the inventory of Turkish Armed Forces as the first member of HAVELSAN’s Digital Troops technology, second member of the family the sub-cloud Unmanned Aerial Vehicle BAHA was exported to Africa for the first time.

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HAVELSAN’S 360 Degree XR Simulator Attracted Great Attention

HAVELSAN’s flight training simulator, which is the first of its kind and developed domestically, combining augmented reality (XR) technology and 360-degree motion system, attracted great attention at IDEF23.

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Orhan Kanal

Y?netici Asistan? - Türk Havac?l?k ve Uzay Sanayii

1 å¹´

Orhun 15 insans?z z?rhl? 20.20 ika tekerlekli tasar?m olarak yapt?m ara? üzerine 105mm bora hafif ?eki!i topu üzerine entegre ettim tamamen kendi kendine at?? yap?yor etkili mevzil 40km azmi mevzil 120km kulesi 105mm topu entegre ettim 30mm 4namlulu makinal? topu entegre ettim 1000kw lazer topu entegre ettim insans? robot asker kullanacak




