Stay ‘Tuned' with connections
Anitta Martin
All life is interrelated. Every single thing in the world- animals, human beings, nature all are interrelated to each other either in one way or another. Relations are there as a part of human civilization which? developing the? bonds between.
Hello dear connections, Here Iam sharing my thoughts and pointing out my views regarding connections. As everyone knows, Earth is revolving all day and in these giant planet there were many creatures. It's quite natural that each day we all are supposed to cross our path; even though our final destinations are different. In person,? Iam someone who really likes to create new connections. From someone who lived in the villages of kerala to the person now living in a metropolitan hyderabad like city, I came acrossed with lots of people. I gained some attachments with some of them I guess. But still I have more number to reach. So, now Iam in a learning process to build strong connections. Let us learn together.
How to build connections?
Building connections may start as a natural or purposeful way. For me, connections develops naturally with a familiar person and also with whom my ideologies are related. My best friends and family connections are like this. Because it developed naturally. Then if we really want to build a connection for the sake of professional and personal benefits, the way of development will be purposive in nature.? Both are in my opinion is a good way of designing new connections. Even a small? smile can create strong relations in our life. As part of expanding our connections we have to meet peoples as much as we can. Atleast each day spend 10 to 15 minutes with a stranger. Try to know the person. We can start our conversion by introducing ourself and then ask his or her name. During the first day of building connections talk with them about some common topics. I observed this behaviour from my mother. When ever she is starting a conversation with a random person, she were like asking “How is the weather? Or ?She say best things about the place from which they are coming. I found this thing is some what interesting to start a conversation. Only words create magic bonds between people. Going for a walk or for a cup of chai will always help to start new relations. Even taking part in a funny and physical activities can break the ice between individuals. Some how certain insecurities within us keeps as away from the activity of starting a conversation. Eliminating the shyness and hesitations were the only solution. We have to change within our self and have to open our minds for the process. Then only it become more easier.
How to maintain connections?
Creating connections were more easier than maintaining connections. More effort is needed for this task. What Iam doing to maintain the connections is I will remember the name of the person after first meeting with him and whenever I see him again I always address him.? For me this activity works always. Stay in connection as long as you can is worthy. For that we can use all communication means like telecommunication, social media like Instagram, whats app , linkedin e.t.c. Hack Iam following is in a periodic manner I either call or message my connections just by saying a hi or sending a message. Also without any lose I make sure that Iam wishing my peoples in all celebrations. Sparing our quality time for our connection will definitely helps us to maintain the relationship. Most importantly being genuine to the connections we made can provide life span.
What challenges we are facing while making connections?
The big mistake we all doing is we all are making limited relations. But actually connection should be open in nature irrespective of motive. Like listening and talking to random people have it's own effect. Since each objects in the nature have different backgrounds, different believes it will be more beneficial if we are open to everyone. Once I come across with a woman in a train. she is sewage cleaning lady by profession and she was telling me about the importance of education and shared about her strong desire to learn new things. I strongly believe, a stranger have something with them to teach you. It may be informative one or may be an enlightening one. Someone makes as to feel grateful about the things we have and otherone shares valuable life lessons.
Creating interrelations are powerful; which taught us new things, from that? we learn then we realize, we aspire and finally we will uplifted to great height and success. Because nature it self is a lesson. Connections can help to grow both persons were involve. How organs are making a complete body by working together,likewise connections makes a complete individual.
Stay with more connections.