Stay Still and Become Aware
Sonam Lama
Writer | Creator | Peak Performance Coach| Meditation Coach | Business & Life Strategist | Sports Skills Trainer | Entrepreneur. I help you achieve inner peace, form better habits, and become more productive.
During meditation, it is easy to fidget, lose focus, get bored, allow our minds to wander, get frustrated and then wonder why are we even doing this? Is this even doing anything?
This has happened to me many times when I first started practicing meditation.
However, I’ve noticed, if I just sit still. And I mean completely still, without swallowing my saliva, thinking about my problems, being distracted by this sound, that sound, scratching the itch on my nose, I enter into this state of absolute awareness.
It is eerie almost, but I am totally focused on and in hyper awareness of everything going on around me. From the sounds of the birds chirping, the trees swaying back and forth, the sensation of my hands touching my legs, the itch on my nose, my saliva stuck at the top of my throat.
In this trance like state, I literally feel as if I am separate from my body and that I am the observer, the one who is aware of everything going on around.
I relinquish any desire of control.
If I hear cars or trucks going by, I let them pass and let go.
If I feel the need to swallow my saliva, I just stay still and do nothing.
If I have an itch, I don’t scratch it. I just let it go and let the sensation subsie on its own.
If I feel like moving or fidgeting, I don’t. I just sit still and let that feeling pass as well.
If I have thoughts in my mind, I do not entertain or attach to them. I let them pass.
Ultimately, I sit in total surrender and let go of anything and everything.
In this state of awareness, my mind, body and soul are empty.
I see nothing.
I hear nothing.
I feel nothing.
I just let be, what will be.
There is myself, the one who sees and the other.
In this state, I am connected to my subconscious mind, my creative imagination, my inner, deepest self.
In this state, there is infiniteness, abundance, possibility and magic.
I have found during my day to day life, I can connect with this part of my mind and cultivate some of my creative imagination through closing my eyes and just being still.
From this day forth until the rest of my days, I will stay still and become aware.
There is a well of infiniteness within each of us.
One shall simply close their eyes, sit in absolute awareness and connect with this higher level consciousness lying dormant within us.
From this source shall we create, dream and operate.
There is a whole other world within us waiting to be accessed and unleashed.
To those of you on this path, to you I say stay still and become aware.
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