life is a process to be enriched every day with talents and knowledge, many of us are satisfied with little of our qualifications, and a secure job, and never think of improving. However, the matters have affected many lives, including well-qualified professionals, and in turn, having an impact on institutions. It is not enough to be content with what you already know. In order to reach your maximum potential, you must attempt to deepen your understanding of the world around you. Many of us have stagnated; in turn, we are not contributing anything to society. If you want work-life balance, in the modern stream you need to learn something new every day. It doesn't have to be how to speak a new language or build the next great electronic gadget. It could be something small like how to shoot a photo on your Phone, and capturing some real-time event, and share it on how to use a new feature on Facebook. Most of us have one or two areas of knowledge that we strive to know very well — things related to our jobs, of course, and maybe a hobby or two. But while it’s important to develop a deep understanding of the things that matter most to us, it is just as important to develop a broad understanding of the world in general. There are a lot of good, practical reasons to make learning something new a part of your daily routine, but the best reason has nothing to do with practicality — we are learning creatures, and the lifelong practice of learning is what makes us humans and our lives worthwhile. If that idealistic musing’s not enough, here are some more down-to-earth benefits: Learning across a wide range of subjects gives us a range of perspectives to call on in our own narrow day-to-day areas of specialization.

Learning helps us more easily and readily adapt to new situations.

Broad knowledge of unfamiliar situations feeds innovation by inspiring us to think creatively and providing examples to follow.

Learning deepens our character and makes us more inspiring to those around us.

Learning makes us more confident.

Learning installs an understanding of the historical, social, and natural processes that impact and limit our lives.

And, as it is said, there’s the whole “making life worth living” thing.

On peer-reviewed studies, 42% of all college graduates never read another book again. Ever. But continuous learning is vital to making the most of what the world has to offer. You could say that it’s what separates us from the animals. And there is evidence to suggest that it plays a role in staving off mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Never forget to read somebody’s thoughts obviously, we already do this. There are countless people out there sharing their knowledge on a huge range of niches, and anyone can find plenty of blogs that interest them. Twitter makes matters simple many times realistic because you can leave comments, and blogging offers a level of interaction that can’t be matched by books. Read books, we have wonderful libraries around if you just go there and read one book; you’ll be ahead of 42% of all college graduates. If you prefer to read the latest books and have a little money, there’s no shortage of bookstores, Reading is a cheap form of entertainment with practically no risk of injury, and it boosts your brain power a lot more than watching TV. If you have no resources are away from the main just read newspapers on Scams and Corruption but here you can read insightful articles on a wide variety of topics that you might not know much about. Best of all, you can read it without feeling depressed. And while you probably spent many years looking forward to that, it’s important to realize that learning is a big part of what makes life interesting. When your learning is self-directed, it can be a lot more fun than school was. You were given a large brain for a reason. Use it. Learn to contribute positive thoughts on the World Wide Web as nobody will appreciate negative or mindless thoughts. Stay learning you are never old (Many good thoughts)

Dr.T.V.Rao MD Professor of Microbiology – Freelance writer


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