Stay Indoors and Travel the World
Karen Lee Morrison
CEO??Speaker??Influencer Mentor??Linkedin??Business Humourist ??Creator??Disability Advocate
Have you ever wanted to travel and now feel like you never will?
The main message here is to stay indoors and I have come up with a novel idea for travelling.
As we are now stuck inside it's up to us to become creative. A big thank you to In-Light - Conversations With Daya Enlightened as she triggered me to expand further on an idea that was germinating last week.
For those of you in Australia, we are in Stage 3 lockdown. I have added a PDF links at the bottom to download for exactly what that means if you want to go for jogs, walk dogs etc.
Hopefully, the documents help with some of your queries as the rules are a little fuzzy in some areas. Stay inside whenever possible, stay safe, have fun and remember to smile.
#TravelTheWorld #StayInside #StayInsideAndTravel #KarenLeeMorrison #KazzasCorner #ShareYourVirtualSmile #ShareYourSmile #Mindset #TravelIdeas #TravelSafety #IdeasForHome