Stay Humble
John Baechtel owns Landspeed Media Group, a publishing firm that operates automotive technical and enthusiasts web sites including Hot Rod Engine Tech dot com. He also operates Prodyne Technologies, his motorsports consulting business and his Landspeed Restorations business which preserves and restores historic race cars. John is a 40 year industry veteran, an automotive performance consultant, publisher, author, and has written over 1,300 articles. He spent 17 years at the world’s premier performance magazine supervising and building an endless stream of high performance projects including restoration of the Summers Brothers Goldenrod land speed record holder for the Henry Ford Museum. And finally he has also assumed the duties of Public Relations Director and Event Coordinator for Mike Cook’s Bonneville Shootout, the official FIA/FIM international world speed record event held annually on the Bonneville Salt Flats.
You can listen to all the Cars Yeah interviews on the CarsYeah website, iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play. Click and learn more about John here: John Baechtel
Mark Greene has interviewed over 900 Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts? who have wrapped their passion in to their careers. You'll find the entire list of Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts? on Cars Yeah here: Cars Yeah Guests
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