Stay Happy and Healthy Through Beach and Ocean Art
Contemplation by Alan Zawacki - 36"x72" acrylic on canvas (Sold)

Stay Happy and Healthy Through Beach and Ocean Art

Whether your summer has been balmy or a bit of a washout, or your job has left you tired and frustrated, a peaceful tropical seascape or landscape painting is an ideal way to transport yourself to a sunny happy place. Soothing memories of nature, vacations and adventures come flooding back.?

With all the chaos and unpleasantness of current world events, I find that only strengthens my calling to create calming and rejuvenating tropical paintings that allow people to positively visualize, relax, reflect, and enjoy in the comfort of their homes. I gravitate toward creating uncomplicated, peaceful settings that, for some people, may also have a spiritual element to them; they certainly do for me.

We think in pictures. Visualization or mental imagery is a very powerful human tool. We can visualize ourselves into happiness, health and accomplishment or we can also visualize ourselves into depression, illness and failure. It’s amazing how accurately and effectively the mind works through visualization. What we focus on the majority of the time will eventually materialize in our lives -- good or bad.

Images of nature are good – but images of the ocean make us feel even better.

Elegant Observer by Alan Zawacki - 24"x48" acrylic on canvas

Relaxing on the living room couch and gazing up at a peaceful painting after a hard day also delivers a dose of feel-good endorphins throughout the brain.

An experiment conducted by researchers at the European Center for Environment and Human Health demonstrated that when we see an environment with water in it, we like it more. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the sea, a river, or a fountain in a city square: if there’s water, we feel better.

The researchers showed the experiment participants a selection of images. These all showed different kinds of environments – some natural, some urban. Some of these included water, and some didn’t.

The researchers discovered that the participants responded most positively to scenes of nature. The most popular were those images of environments that contained a lot of water and some "green" nature elements. But most amazing of all – even the urban scenes that included water in some way had a more positive impact on their emotions.

The research showed that both natural and built scenes containing water were rated more positively – with higher preferences, more positive emotions, and greater perceived restorative feeling.? We just feel more positive and restored when we look at an image of water.

What a great way to daydream yourself into relaxation -- visualizing yourself in that beautiful and serene Caribbean location. It can be better than an end of day glass of wine or martini. OK, that may be stretching it a little; but not by much! Maybe, have a glass of wine and gaze up at a peacefully glorious painting.

I'm thankful that I can play a small part in this theater of human mind over matter with my tropical seascape and landscape paintings. They comfort me and my hope is that they also comfort others.

About the Author

Homeowners seek out an original Alan Zawacki tropical seascape or landscape painting to create a dramatic focal point of color, peacefulness, tropical ambiance and artistic excellence. Alan specializes in painting large and small tropical seascapes and landscapes of Florida and the Caribbean.

Visit his website at



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