Stay Grateful
"Whatever?we think?about, and?thank?about,?we bring about." - Dr. John Demartini
I normally don't wonder when I see people complaining about their current situation out of frustration and scarcity of their wishful things, because few years back even I was in the same category. Life was going-on in circles with all the miserable conditions. But one day out of nowhere, something happened and I was introduced to Law of Attraction by one of my knowns. And the Magic started to happen...
We normally ignore the best gift we got from Nature / God - this Human life. Look around you and you will see people complaining about lack of money, lack of luxury, lack of everything available on earth.
Can we look at the picture from a different view and see what all we have which we don't even consider them important for oneself? The Human body itself including ability to see, smell, hear, speak & taste and touch, hands, legs, brain, heart, kidneys are the most ignorant gifts that people don't feel thankful for.
Close your eyes and imagine for a minute how a person is surviving without any of these abilities, and you would get goosebumps.
To be Continued...
Don't change the picture, Change the view.. Sunita Choudhary