Stay in the Game!
If you want to accomplish anything significant in life you have got to make a choice. There are obstacles, doubt and things in our way. Quitting should not be an option.
When the journey gets tough it's easy to throw in the towel and give up. What's going to keep you in the game? What's going to motivate you to get off the bench?
"The best revenge in life is massive success."- Frank Sinatra
I discovered the reason I wanted to improve my health, wasn't about the number on a scale. It came down to increasing my longevity, improving my health not only for myself but for my family.
The former college athlete in me awakened along with the intrinsic motivation and drive to change. It's easy to be average and do what we've done in the past because it's comfortable. Stepping out of our comfort zone and challenge ourselves can help move us past the norm and beyond being average.
If improving your health is what you want to accomplish, you have to make a decision, the sacrifice to work for what you want. It's easier to pay lip service and say the things we think people want to hear, then to face the challenge head on.
The only place that fear exist is in our imagination. Quitting isn't a choice. Your dream and goal are yours, they don't belong to anyone else. Sometimes we are the only thing that stands in our way.
Quitting is easy to do when things get tough. I heard a great talk with the late Coach Jim Valvano. He said there are three questions he would ask himself at the beginning of every season:
1. Where were you?
2. Where you are at?
3. Where do you want to be?
We are all on a journey. As we move into the New year take a look back at 2014 and ask yourself, "Where did I come from?" , "Where am I going?", "Where do I want to be?" These three questions can be a blueprint as you move forward in reshaping not only your health but your mindset.
Everyday our feet hit the floor we have a chance to be better than we were the day before. Don't give up on your goals or dreams. Have the will, determination and the fight to reach your goals and dreams.
Continued good health and success!