Stay Focused!
Dr Mani Sivasubramanian
Social Entrepreneur | Heart Surgeon | Author of '47 Hearts' & 'Heart, Guts & Steel'
"Stay focused!"
The words in a loud, sharp tone, echo often in my ears.
They're from childhood. When our cricket coach sent us in to bat.
Padded up, all eager to face the bowling, we'd prepare to walk onto the field - and he'd cry, "Stay focused".
It matters when you're up next to bat in cricket.
And it matters in every aspect of your work, and life, too.
Whatever you set out to accomplish, you'll never get it done without focus and concentration. Learning how to focus until the job is done is among the most precious, valuable skills you'll ever gain.
Did you know? The average American worker is distracted after 15 minutes of focus on a task. True fact!
And men are far worse than women at paying attention.
Twenty year-olds growing up in a mobile, networked world and constantly distracted by a flashing app or appealing image on the tiny screens they carry around everywhere, fare poorly at being able to focus on anything for long.
Take a typical experience.
- You sit down to prepare a report. The door bell rings.
- You get up to answer it, and get a text message from your friend.
- You pick up the delivery, while replying to the message.
- When you're back at your computer, the email notification icon is flashing... and you check the new message.
- A loud noise blares; your little cousin is trying out your new music system.
How is that report ever going to get written?!
The answer is here, in this article titled: "How To Focus - 8 Tricks To Boost Productivity"
You should make time to go through it today.
And stay focused for long enough to read it through!