Stay Encouraged Today!
How to stay encouraged!
Discouragement is a part of life that many of us have experienced. However you can overcome discouragement.
Here are three simple steps that have helped me to overcome discouragement.
They are:
1. Be thankful for what you have- We all have a tendency to focus more on our problems than our blessings. Just begin to count your blessings- life, health,family, shelter,food, just to name a few.
After doing this you will discover the many blessings in your life!
2. Be in the moment- One of the greatest gifts that we all have today is Life. And that life comes from our Creator. Today is the gift. Tomorrow has not arrived yet. Enjoy yourself right now! Future worry is a deposit that you don't want to make in your mental account.
Yesterday is in the tomb, tomorrow is in the womb-Today is whats alive now!
3. Be proactive towards your goals/dreams- I have come to the conclusion that action reduces worry and stress. Inactivity only increases the problem, but action gets you closer to the solution. I would encourage you to something today to get you closer to your goals.
I want to encourage you to not give up but to keep fighting with all that you have.
Because there is truly light at the end of the tunnel!