Stay The Course
Michael Rasmussen CIR, PRC, SHRM-CP
Talent Sourcing Manager @ AARP
Life has a way of pulling the punches even when you feel you are making some headway across multiple avenues towards your goals. If there is one thing that I've come to learn over time, as much as you want to make things come together in areas you can control, life isn't always like that. Over time you must creatively drive the ship forward in your own way while allowing for the x-factors that life puts in the path. Such a reality is not lost on me, in recent months life has put "other plans" in the way that were in essence not anticipated. Well sometimes that's just how it is. I've come to know that there are some battles worth fighting and others that are well things I should let go in order to achieve a greater outcome.
During the age of sea-faring vessels with wood, and sails, and wind as the primary means of navigating the seas and oceans, sea-faring captains charted a course on a map, plotting their moves carefully and steering their ship towards a pre-determined destination. As they did so they may run into storms, choppy oceans, and un-cooperative winds. I have found that life is often like this. They would often yell to their crew "stay the course" even when all seemed to indicate it was a lost cause or that the way was unclear. I suppose life has a way of being unclear, and at times choppy, with churning oceans, and seas that cause our proverbial ship to rise, fall, bob, and go in a direction we don't anticipate.
I've been pondering these realities of late, how having things that are unclear and in the x-factors that don't always make sense there arises an opening, a way out, a way to "Stay the Course" even when it may not seem feasible, or for that matter clear. As I write this, I think of dozens of scenarios even witnessed in recent months where things didn't always make sense, yet when I chose to "Stay the Course" to my vision, to my inward plans of a future state, that clearly making efforts even if it feels like the course is a zig zag instead of a straight line is still progress. Because we live in a world of human beings, it is true that life will always be this way. I have determined that having a clear vision, a focus and a laser like determination and stubbornness to keep at it makes all the difference in a resilient sense.
Whether that endeavor is being a parent, in my Church Service, in my Career, in my pursuit of my own Recruiting Goals, in endeavors of the heart, or my hobbies, interests and passions, when I continue to visualize the end goal of a future state it is only then that it can be realized. I have seen obstacles that fall apart, I have seen a window of opportunity emerge, when I commit with a whole heart to attack the obstacles that would alter my course. As if life would slow down? I think we all ask ourselves at times - why is this happening? Why is this circumstance so stubborn as to crowd the way when I would just like a smooth ride? The answer may lie in the fact that we live in a world that is full of competing matters for our attention, when we rise above the noise and see a clear line of sight as to the end goal, I think it is then that we rise to our potential.
Fighting through obstacles is like this, and alas, we can't always control our environment. What we can do is lay proactive plans for the long haul, with a vision that carries us forward because deep down you know what you are trying to achieve, whether that's a break through goal, a certain momentum across multiple circumstances, a volunteer assignment, a career outcome, better time with your family, more balance, more happiness and joy. Regardless of the endeavor these things come rapid fire many times when you least expect it. One may ask themselves, "Why is this obnoxious circumstance in my way?" "What is my purpose in this?" "Is it worth it?"
Prioritization is absolutely a must, to prioritize the end goals from the noise you must have a bigger purpose than what is occupying the short term. It almost requires a statement of fact: "I want to achieve this Net Promoter Score over x time period", "I want to achieve this much service for my community over a period of time", "I want to connect better with those in my Church and deliver greater service in my congregation", "I want to get to this level in my career, and be consistent in achieving x outcomes." Having a goal is like manna to your purpose, it gives you something to strive towards, to build towards, and to create that outcome you envision. As one strives towards such outcomes the miracles start to occur.
I can literally see all the outcomes in my minds eye that I have committed to. It's a wonderful thing to have such clarity. It is a powerful thing to drive forward on those commitments. What I am aware of, is sometimes life isn't going to be pretty, neither will it always be easy, as much as that would be nice. I suppose it's because we deal with human beings in our sphere of influence day in, and day out. I am in a profession - in recruiting where persuasion and building trust is vital to my success. I have succeeded when I choose to be in essence "Unstoppable." In fact, one of my favorite songs is by the Rascal Flatts - every now and then I surf over to Youtube to take a listen to get inspired to keep going when I get those days that challenge my course.
Take a listen: .
Then there is this one. Stand. Also by Rascal Flatts:
To be Unstoppable, and to Stand requires conviction, a sense of staying the course in life and business. Where you drive your outcomes with tact, resilience, faith and yes, a focused vision to your end outcome goals, to the reality that only YOU can achieve. Perhaps that there-in is the purpose, to keep going, to become your best self, to arise to help others, to commit to a greater outcome of long term success. One can't forget the reason that got them up out of bed each day, for me it is my family, for me it is my purpose of living life on purpose with conviction that nothing will stop my forward momentum, that I will not be bogged down by the baggage of failure. Indeed. I have one choice and that is to succeed. There is no acceptable alternative. I haven't come into my life to not reach my destination. As you stay the course you arise above the noise, you find your true self, and miracles occur. Living for a purpose that is higher than your very being that drives you that leads you to the outcomes you set out to do. Again, there is no alternative for me. I must stand, I must become UNSTOPPABLE to get where I trying to be. Finally, this Rascal Flatts song hits home too:
My Wish:
So - you see it is not something to be taken lightly, this life we live. It is worth everything we would put into it. It is worth living each day with a purpose, far above the noise of this world we live on, and sorting out the most important things, and then focusing a course on that end outcome. For that is the course that matters, family, serving, driving, living, and enjoying this limited time one has on this earth. What is the purpose? Only you can determine what that happiness means for you, but when you find it, it's worth clinging to. For the destination is only as clear as you set out to define it as. And as you do, you start to discover the real purpose of your life - that leads you to a place of calm, peace and joy that only you can determine. But even with that, when you define those things of greatest worth, and you fight for those things, everything seems to fall into place as you stay the course, just like those sea captains charging through choppy waters in search of land, in search of promise, in search of something larger than themselves as their appetite for achieving their purpose out weighs all other factors, obstacles, and challenges before them. Indeed, it takes being Unstoppable, having the courage to Stand. And in the end when you stand for your family, for your joy, for your success outcomes, and if you are so lucky to lead others, lead them to the place where they too can experience the same, then life takes on a higher meaning, a higher purpose, and a higher outcome then you may have ever realized to begin with, but only when you commit to staying that course and plotting your way forward on your own proverbial map as you navigate the storms of life with gusto and passion for your end cause. It is here I hope I will be, and that as 2020 continues this will be my magnum opus to achieve those results I have committed to as I stay the course.