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ChatGPT arrived on the scene in 2022 and marked a seismic shift in AI’s role in the business landscape. Some equate ChatGPT’s sudden rise to that of a new phase of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with technology advancements poised to change how humans work forever.
One business area showing itself as an early adopter of ChatGPT is HR. From recruiting and compensation to employee wellness and safety, ChatGPT reduces time creating job descriptions and revising company policies.
AI-driven technology is still in its infancy, and there are genuine concerns about ChatGPTs misuse, from plagiarism, bias, mistakes, and crafting sophisticated phishing scams. There’s a need for some caution with ChatGPT, but that shouldn’t mean avoidance.
ChatGPT is a powerful tool and, used properly, can provide HR departments with much-needed assistance. Is now the time to investigate ChatGPT-driven solutions? Demetrio Rico, COO of Stafi, a virtual assistant company, believes the benefits outweigh the concerns.
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In today’s fast-paced world, multitasking is often seen as a key ingredient for success. But is it really the most productive way to work? In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at multitasking and explore whether it’s really the best way to get things done.
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Read our CEO, Raquel Gomes, as a guest writer for the Motherhood Moment Blog.
In this Blog, she reflects on The Key to Achieving Your New Year’s Resolution.