Stay away from the "dream killers"
Carlos Wizard Martins
Empresário, executivo e empreendedor social | Mister WIZ, Enjoy, Pizza Hut, KFC, Taco Bell, Mundo Verde, Topper, BDB
It's important to have dreams. But just dreaming is not enough. It is necessary to have ambitions, passion, and attitude in the course of materializing your dream. Unfortunately, most people have no determination. Some give up their goals too soon because they get carried away by criticism and negative comments from friends or "well-intentioned guys" who constantly tell them that their plans are unlikely to succeed.
I call such people "dream killers." They are dangerous because sadly, they are capable of persuading talented people to abandon their goals of prosperity and to accept more trifling and mediocre results. Stay away from such individuals. They generally do not succeed in life and spend their free time on activities that do not contribute to their professional advancement or their personal and spiritual growth.
Many people postpone the pursuit of their plans of wealth and success for months and even years on the pretext of lack of time, energy, etc. However, in order to win, you need to be responsible for your own success, otherwise success will not be achieved, because no one will do it for you.
Align your heart, mind, and actions with the laws that generate wealth. Desire and believe in something great. Surround yourself with proactive people and follow a path that will lead you to the realization of your dreams. After all, dreaming is good for the soul.